Part 3

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-I know very well this is real and that my sister is really danger. Just hear me out.  I think the CIA is collaborating with Bruce, immunity versus intel and that they're afraid if I go back or spill the beans to someone he'll cut the deal off and then they'll be real idiots and you know your superiors also have superiors.

In the silence that followed her statement, he still has his gun aimed at her head but now fixed her intently in the eyes. She was looking back at him,  her eyes glowing with cunningness. Seeing she did not add anything, he took the security catch off and changed his aim to her heart. 

- I want you to work with me, she finally said, breaking the iced silence

-  The two of us against CIA ? I don't think so. 

-  Oh come on you don't want me to seriously believe you have no contacts outside of the CIA ,she counterattacked

He felt both amused and annoyed by this situation.  He was amused because it's been a long time since he felt so entertained, usually he just had some dull agents to work with,  some boring missions, this was a change. He also felt annoyed because he liked his routine, having no problems, being a good agent but not too good so he wasn't  noticed. He wasn't really sure what decided him, but it probably was that he wanted to see how this mission would develop.

He lowered his gun.

« Fine, I'm in. My name is Finn . »


Rebecca was waiting on the bench when Frank   finally arrived.

«  You took your time ! »

She threw herself in his arms, protective and comforting.

«  I'm sorry after I received your text I tried to find someone to look after the kids as quickly as possible. » he gently said, brushing through her hair with his hand 

« So where is Samantha ? What did she say to put you in such a state ? » he worriedly asked

«  I don't know , some man came to talk to her and she didn't come back since. »

Her eyes widely opened, realising something bad must have happened to her, she backed away from Frank's arms and started running in the direction she saw her take with the man.

«  Rebecca ? Rebecca ! Where are you going ?! » Frank yelled

Seeing she was not stopping, he ran after her.

They found both Finn and Samantha walking towards them.

Rebecca smiled, relieved that her sister was fine.

« Hey Frank. So everyone this is Finn, a colleague. »

Finn nodded when she mentioned her name. Frank strongly shook his hand, followed by Rebecca.

«  Rebecca, did you have time to fill in Frank about what happened ? » Samantha asked

Rebecca shook her head.  Finn cleared his throat and said :

«  Samantha and I are going to see some people who can help us, in the meantime you can stay at my place a few miles away from here. You should be safe there, for now.  Remember to throw  away your cellphones,  never use credit cards, only cash, don't tell anyone you're going anywhere, don't talk to anyone. There  should be plenty of food for you and your kids, try to not go out of the house. »

He tossed the keys of his house to Frank, completely lost, but still caught them midway.  Rebecca stood on her tiptoe and whispered close to his ears that she'd explain what happened.

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