Part 4

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" You're one of the quiet but deadly type, huh? " asked Finn, quickly glancing at Samantha

" I didn't hit that hard, it's not my fault if he's weak " she answered nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders

Both of them were looking at the unconscious men lying on the bed in their hotel room, his nose covered with dried blood, his hands and feet tied to the bed. Finn had carried the men on his back, and whenever people in the street were looking at them, wondering why they were carrying an unconscious men, Samantha would keep on saying: " You really should not have let him drink that much!". They used the time he was KO to check his pockets. He had a smartphone that was turned on, Samantha suggested to turn it off and throw it somewhere far from the hotel so that they were untraceable but Finn explained to her his plan. They also used that time to lift his hood to reveal his face .He had dark, short hair; thick eyebrows and thin lips. Samantha couldn't help thinking that it was a shame she ruined his nose as he was quite good looking. She was so absorbed in contemplating his face that she did not notice Finn getting closer to her, until he whispered in her hear:

" If you keep on staring at him, you might burn a hole through his face"

Refusing to lose composure, she turned around, facing him and said:

" Contrarily to others, I stay focused on what is important."

She then turned back to her original position, trying to hide the smile she could hardly contain. Seeing he did not answer, she tried, as discretely as possible, to look at him and see what he was doing. He was looking at the men lying on the bed, but suddenly turned his head towards her and met her gaze. A smirk grew on his lips and once again, Samantha could clearly read in his eyes the glittering, boastful message " I WON". Not willing to pursue this pointless game, she went into the bathroom and came back with a glass of cold water that she threw on the face of the unconscious men. She was about to slap him when Finn caught her arm midway and shook his head.

" Let me wake him up and do the talking " he told her as he walked past her near the bed

She moved back to the center of the room, overlooking both John Doe and Finn.


Samantha was sitting on a chair, lost in her thoughts when she heard the noise of someone gasping for air. Startled, she lifted her gaze from the floor to the bed where John Doe laid. She saw Finn sitting next to John Doe, leaning on his abdomen, making it impossible for him to breath. She didn't want Finn to know she was paying attention to this scene so she tried to discreetly squint her eyes and pay attention to what was being said.

She heard Finn's voice, resonant with virility, whispering strongly : " Answer me", punctuating the end of his sentence by putting more weight on John Doe's abdomen. The rest happened so quickly she hardly understood what happened. She heard an indiscernible noise which resembled to the sound of someone spitting. Then she saw Finn get up, get a towel, cleanse his face, and keeping his class and calm, he slowly got down on his knees next to the man on the bed. He cracked his knuckles next to John Doe's ears , smiled bitterly at him and slapped him so hard that some blood dripped out of his mouth. He stood up, took the wooden chair at the corner of the room and placed it to the left of the bed, next to the window.

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