Part 6

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As he tried to lean on her, she gently pushed him away and got off the bed. She looked at him with an uneasy smile. He brushed through his brown, thick hair with his hand, trying to regain his composure. He looked back at her, nodded his head and said :

- There's someone else ...

Hearing no response, he continued :

-you and your boundaries... You know you are going to have to trust someone soon or later, you can't do everything on your own.

While he talked, she put on her leather jacket and started walking towards the door. Before leaving the room she turned around and said :

Thank you for helping me remember this episode of my life. I shouldn't have let you kiss me, but don't mistake my weakness for feelings.

On that note, she left the room, with a pang of guilt as he had helped her but she was unable to repay him.
She headed out of the hotel and texted Finn:

meet me at the park in five

She shortly received his answer :
K, will be a little late
She headed to the park and started plunging back in her memories, trying to find where she hid that usb key.


Having received a call from the hospital, he went to see John Doe awaking. Finn had treated him to a small, private room, in order to prevent him to talking to other people. He asked the nurse if she could leave them, pretending to want some privacy with his friend. He took a wooden chair resting in the corner of the room and brought it next to the patient's bed.
His eyes were a little bit swollen, but the worst part of his face was his mouth, as his jaw had been dislocated by Samantha.
The man was opening his eyes when he saw Finn and gasped with fear. Then he looked around him and realized he was in a hospital, so he calmed down and whispered:

- You can't hurt me here

Finn answered, whispering close to his ear:

-Who said I'd hurt you here?

He paused and added :

-You know, your taking an awful lot of time to recognize me, Piedro.

He looked at the effect of his sentence on Piedro's face and smiled, perceived fear in his features.

-Oh, don't look so surprised now. You still don't recognize me?
Come on... Make an effort...Take a wild guess... Why do you think at the bar they let me have a drink and let Samantha stay ?

Piedro's eyes widened as he realised who he was, and he slowly whispered :

-It can't be... We all thought you were never coming back after what happened...

- Well here I am and now you know what I'm capable of. Don't worry I will let you live and carry on with your life..

He paused

- But on one condition only.

He looked at Piedro, frowning his eyebrows, unsure if he was lucid enough to understand what he was saying. With difficulty, Piedro mumbled :

-What's your f*cking condition ?

- It's pretty straight forward : You don't talk to any breathing soul about what happened. And when I say that I mean not even your dog, your cat, your clothes, your shoe, not anyone, not anything, don't even think about it anymore.

Piedro raised his eyebrows, not buying his speech. Finn leaned close to his ear and whisper :

- If you don't respect those terms I'll do to you what I did to those guys ten years ago.

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