Part 5

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He left enough space between them to make it impossible for Samantha to know that he was following her and at the same time to be able to follow her nonetheless. She stopped at the park, took out her phone from her leather jacket and texted someone.

At the same time, he received two texts. He searched for his phone in his pocket and stumbled on two. With a smirk he remembered why he had two.

While Samantha was unconscious, he had deposited John Doe at the hospital. Instead of giving back John Doe's phone, he kept it and gave to the hospital its number so that when he'll wake up they'll call Finn through John Doe's phone. This way, there will be no trace on Finn's phone of his dubious activity.

He started by looking at John Doe's phone and saw the following text:

" What the f*ck are you doin'? You didn't show up at any of your meeting points today. You better be dead cos' if I learn you were f*cking around instead of coming you're in deep trouble"

Finn understood that he probably had to retrieve some drugs and deliver them to clients, and since he wasn't there his boss is getting feedback from unsatisfied clients.

He put back John's phone in his pocket and took out his own :

" Need you to retrieve double friend. Soon picture."

"Double friend" meant double agent.

The synchronized timing of the two texts startled Finn..

Could it be that his boss..? No... no way...

Then he started seriously considering the possibility that his boss was the same as John Doe's. The only problem with that was that, clearly, John Doe was not a double agent... Which means that his boss is a double agent indirectly working for Bruce.  He realized that if that was the case, a lot added up: There was no help granted to Samantha, although her situation was extreme ;  he said he was surveilling Samantha and his boss accepted that, although usually Finn handles more dangerous and important cases, which means that Samantha is extremely important to his boss' eye. Knowing that the CIA tracks Finn's phone, they also know where Samantha is.

Finn's plan , which was to lure John Doe's boss in the hotel and question him, was now reduced to shreds , because if John's boss is the same as his, then he won't say anything. And worst, Finn's boss will know that Finn knows he's a double agent. Right now, the only advantage Finn has is to know his boss is a double agent, without his boss knowing that.  This  means that he could not afford John Doe telling his boss he kidnapped him. It also means that he has to elaborate a  strategy with Samantha.

He suddenly realized that he had lost track of her, lost in his thoughts. A few minutes later he saw her  sitting on a bench, waiting at the bus stop. A few moments later, a bus arrived and an  athletic young man stepped out of the bus. Samantha quickly stood up and thrusted herself in his arms. Their embraced lasted a long minute and then they started to walk towards the hotel. Finn followed them to the hotel, waited for them to get into the elevator and then went to the reception desk. A frail blond woman was there, with a bored look on her face. He smiled and asked her which room the people who were just there rented. She told him she couldn't disclose such informations, so he took out his CIA badge. She gasped with surprise and quickly gave him the number. He also asked her to text his number when they check out.

He stepped out of the hotel, fumbled through his pocket and found no cigarette. Definitely, today was not his day.


She was laying down on the bed. She looked at the grey ceiling  while listening to David's soothing voice :

" Close  your eyes. Breathe slowly in and out. Listen to the sound of my voice. Focuse  everything on my voice. To the count of three, you'll fall deeply asleep and relive key moments. "

He paused

" One.




She heard the viril laughter of the men next door, playing poker.

" Concentrate and look around. Don't forget that this is a memory, you cannot be touched nor seen"

She looked around her. She was in a vast modern office. In front of her was a huge transparent desk, with a laptop on it. The white walls conveyed an eery sense of an asylum.She heard a sensual female laughter next door. This woman then said she had to go to the  bathroom. She left next door's room and opened the door of the office. Samantha felt a shiver going down her spined as she suddenly faced a younger version of herself.

" Remember, you are in your memories, no one can see you"

Her younger version stared right through her older version and saw the laptop. She hurriedly took out a usb key of her pocket and connected it to the laptop. Samantha followed her and went behind her in order to see what files she was transferring.  It was all of Bruce's offshores accounts data. Both of them heard the door slowly open. Samantha's younger version quickly disconnected the usb key and closed the laptop. She went to the center of the room and pretended to look at the boookshelves on the side of the rooom. A tall, attractive young man entered in the office. He was wearing a white shirt and black pants, underlining his fitness.  Samantha shivered at his view.

Bruce said "Now , now, what might you be doing here?"

Samantha yelled : " GET ME OUT OF HERE I DON'T WANT TO RELIVE THIS " but she realised that David could not hear her.

Samantha's younger version blushed and said : " I was looking for the bathroom when I saw the door opened and I caught a glimpse of the shelves, and you know how i love books". He stared at her, amused and said : " I never leave my office door opened"

He advanced sinuously towards here, got close up to her, faced her and said " You look scared.. Don't worry" He grabbed her hair and started kissing her roughly.  He then let her go and said " However I don't believe your excuse... And you know there's one thing I hate more than anything else... Lies..." His eyes suddenly gleamed with anger and he rushed towards his desk, opened a drawer and took out a whip. She rushed to the door, tried to open it but realised he locked it...


Samantha woke up with a scream.  She panted, drops of perspiration dripping on her neck and tee shirt. David was laying next to her, looking anxiously at her.

David brushed smoothly through her hair with his hand and looked intently at her eyes :

' Look at me, you're okay..It was just a memory" he gently said

She raised her eyes from the bed to his brown eyes and nodded :

«  It looked so real... »

- I know ... I didn't think you'd want to relive that again...  That's why  I was so surprised when I received your text

She looked at him. She could see clearly why she had fallen for him. With his soft blue eyes and his reassuring features, she felt secure around him. She dismissed quickly those thoughts and answered :

- I needed a solution to a problem, she paused, and thanks to you I found it now.

She leaned towards him and gently kissed his cheek.  She was about to speak when he delicatly put his finger on her lips and whispered :

- No need to say anything. I know you don't have feelings for me anymore after what happened and I'm just glad you called me.

He got up, was about to leave the room when he changed his mind, turned around and came near Samantha. She looked at him, wondering what he was going to do. He put his knee on the bed, carefully  tilted her chin up towards his face and gently kissed her.

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