Part 2

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She easily found her way to her sister's house, which was located outside of the city. It was a  white and red house with a small frontyard and  backyard filled with green grass,  and some fragile black cherry trees, in their early years of growth. She walked up to the front door, knocked and was answered by the little chipmunks. She liked to call them little chipmunks because they were two little boys,  only five years old but  they had so much energy it literally took the life out of Rebecca and her husband Frank. So the little chipmunks jumped on her, almost making her fall down but she clinged to the door and was therefore able to keep her balance.

-       " Who is it ? " cried distantly Rebecca' voice, probably putting on a bathrobe as it was about seven in the morning

She continued distantly yelling to the chipmunks that they shouldn't open the door to strangers, but when she arrived face to face to her sister, Samantha,  for a minute she kept quiet. She then very coldly told her kids to go back up to their room, not accepting any of their protestations.

-        "I thought I told you are not welcome here", she said in the same icy voice

Samantha was not even listening, she just threw her arms against Rebecca, tears in her eyes. Rebecca remained stiff and did not move. She slowly pushed away Samantha who now had a sad smile.

-        I know I know, I'm so sorry it's just that I need to talk to you, it's urgent, Samantha said hurriedly,  looking with insistence   behind Rebecca,making it obvious she wanted to come in

-        It's so urgent you came yourself from New York?! You do know the phone exists right ? It's just so like you to barge in, to feel like you're welcome any time- even though you didn't give any news for months ! I think your record was one year and six months right ? And even though I told you,  I even yelled at you, you still come whenever you like. You. Are.Not.Welcome. Get the hell out of my life now.

Rebecca slammed the door, leaving Samantha helpless,confused and most of all desperate. When she got over the shock of being so  cruelly rejected , she knocked again, rang several times the bell, tried to have a look at the inside of the house through the  windows but the curtains were closed. Rebecca was right though,  she should have called , given her some news, told her some random lies about her fictitious work and friends.  Samantha tried, multiple times, calling her sister and doing all that, but she couldn't get past the dialling of her number, she  just didn't have it in her to openly lie to her sister. She was able to hide informations to her, but lying to her was just not possible. If she had told those white lies, Rebecca would have let her enter and let her save her life. What could she do when the person she had to save did not let her help her.


He was laying on his bed, trying to find sleep but failed to do so, his mind encaptured in nets of confused thoughts.  He thought once he came back to his appartement he would feel at ease, and stop thinking about work. In the contrary, he was flustered, distressed. He knew it had something to do with that women but he failed to understand why  this encounter had stirred something in the depth of his soul. He had  been with her only for a few hours, and during the time with her he mostly was eager to come home, not paying her too much attention.

He had his phone in one hand, constantly checking the screen, checking if by any chance he missed a call from  her, but no, it was just his imagination. He sighed, got up, went into his bathroom, took some sleeping pills and went back to his bed. When he woke up, only a few hours later with  a headache, his phone was ringing.

«  Hello ?... Yes... With all your respect,sir, I am already working on... Of course, of course I understand... Right away ?... No it is not a problem »

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