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I heard a familiar voice, a voice that I did not expect to hear today. The voice that I dreaded the most. A voice that turned me inside out and left the feeling of disgust in my chest. It was as if my entire existence depended on this voice. Like I wanted to hide the truth from myself. I wanted to act deaf for a moment or even pretend that he wasn't there. But no matter how hard I tried to deny reality, it didn't help, it overtook me and reminded me of what position I was in.

Pain brought me back to reality. I didn't have time to turn around, when I suddenly felt a penetrating pain in my back. Such a horrible feeling, as if a red-hot iron poker was stuck inside you, it was unbearable, my body seemed to be paralyzed.

I screamed.

Am I going to die now? I never got to tell the whole truth to Shay. No, that's not the thing I regret the most. I didn't get to confess my feelings to Shay. All the days we spent together were in vain. She doesn't deserve to die like this. It's all because of me, because of my stupidity, because of my truthfulness.
Why am I realizing this just now? Why exactly when she's on the verge of death? It's ironic in a way. I was no longer in the state to think rationally.

I felt even more pain when Tobias pulled the knife out of me. Blood dripped onto the grass and flowers, staining my shirt too. My body fell to the ground. It wasn't listening to me. It had already given up. But I haven't!

I said almost inaudibly. Shay wasn't going to move though. she froze, deep in shock. She reminds me of me and it scares me. Her knees were shaking, her whole body was. The once fearless and proud Shay had disappeared.
There was no longer an excited smile on her face. What have I done? What have I done to her? The guilt was eating me up. But Tobias wasn't wasting any time. He had his own plans. He was walking towards her but my hands didn't let him move.

"Run, Shay, please!"
I yelled at her.

Shey suddenly came back to herself and ran as I asked. With a glimpse of regret in her eyes, she looked back at me, bitter tears flowed down her cheeks. It was painful for me to watch, but the realization that I could help made me grip Tobias' leg even tighter. Maybe I can redeem myself by helping her? Shay is probably hurting even more now. She doesn't even know what's going on. But she listened to me, so that my sacrifice would not be in vain. If we were in a different situation, she would have helped me. I know. But now her life is what is mportant.

"You really like complicating things for me, don't you? Stuck on me like a leech, it's annoying, you know . So could you stop hugging my leg?"

He slowly, turned around and hit me with his free foot on the head with all his might, and it seems that he did not make a mistake in the blow and chose the most vulnerable point. I immediately let go of his leg. My body is not able to fight anymore.

My vision slowly turned more and more dark. The pain was almost too much to describe. It's like an explosion in my stomach, a burning that seared through my entire body. The world was getting blurry and I could feel a ringing sound in my ears that was slowly starting to make my head spin. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, and my lungs were raw and aching. Every time I try to take a breath, it feels like someone is stabbing a knife into my chest and twisting it around. It feels like my whole body is on fire. I can barely breathe, and even the slightest movement sends shooting pains through my body. It's almost unbearable.
I felt myself slowly losing consciousness. Like a fog coming over me, the edges of my vision closing in. I struggled to keep my eyes open, but eventually I give in and let the blackness and dizziness overtake me. The last thing I see before everything goes dark is his face, Tobias' face. His smug smile, like he knew the whole time that this is how it would end. I closed my eyes, faintly hearing Tobias laughing over me. He seems to be enjoying my pain..

It was a quiet morning, the silence punctuated only by the wind whistling through the cracks in the walls. The dim light of the early morning sun shines through the creeks of the boarded up window, casting long shadows on the dust-covered furniture and the piles of rubble scattered around the room.
The room was cold and damp, and there was an air of oldness and neglect that clinged to every surface. I felt a chill run down my spine as I took in my surroundings and try to figure out where I was.

This old house was dark and eerie. It was difficult to think clearly through the haze of pain and terror that permeated my mind, but I tried my best to focus on my surroundings.

What had happened to me? How did I get here? And most importantly, how can I escape? I didn't know the answers to these questions, but I had to figure it out. I slowly sat up, wincing in pain, and looked around the room. It was an old, dilapidated space with cracked walls and a dusty floor. I could see cobwebs hanging from the ceiling and various pieces of broken glass.

I don't know what the hell is happening, but I know I am not safe.
My heart's racing and I can feel myself beginning to panic. I need to find a way out of this situation.
My mind is hoping from one though to another, but I can't find any answers.

I tried standing up but fell down instead. I just noticed that my hands were tied. Great. My stab wound seemed to be patched up as well.

But still, where am I? Did Tobias bring me here? I thought he'd leave me to die there, but instead, he patched up the wound that he himself made? I don't get it.. Maybe someone noticed me and rescued me? And tied me up? Okay no. I need to get out of here. At least untie my hands for a start
I could barely wiggle my wrists because the rope was so tight. How am I supposed to get rid of this??
At least Shay is safe..

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