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Oh... how slowly time flows.  I've already given up on the idea of being saved, guess I'll have to do everything by myself... 
I didn't care at all at this point.  I didn’t care about the date, time, day of the week, and  how long I had been stuck here in general.
I just wanted to keep myself busy.  It sounds a little strange, but I was very bored, and that jerk wasn't helping at all.   He.. ugh.. I'm tired of feeling anything towards him. And words are not enough to describe his childish, and sometimes absurd, behavior.  I can't wait for my plan to come to fruition. 

Once, he even spent the night with me..
It was terrible, but I didn't dare become indignant. I had come to the conclusion that it would only amuse him more.

Everything I said really seemed to amuse him.  Like a circus.  But that wasn't the main problem, it was that you can never know when he'll giggle, and when he'll hit you.. You can never predict his reaction to anything.  Everything was the same that night.  I just decided not to do anything and I regretted it.

  I couldn't sleep.  He stared at me.  I was scared to even open my eyes a little, I knew that he would be there, right in front of my face, looking at me.  What should I do in such a situation?

"Could you stop staring at me? Are you gay or something? People don't usually look at each other like that at night.."

I slowly opened my eyes, but he still didn't look away.  In his gaze, I saw.. nothing.  Maybe it's because it was dark, or because he was looking at me very, very seriously.  What's up with him? 

"I was already beginning to think that you would never speak." He chuckled.

After these words, he said nothing more.
It was terrible, but I did not want to continue the dialogue either. So I closed my eyes again, hoping maybe he would leave.

There were times when Tobias would suddenly disappear for days and leave me hungry. As much as I tried denying it, my life really depends on him. I would die of hunger if he had not returned.

I spent most of my time searching through the room. What I find something that could help me? And I did..

Aside from my bedroom, where I lived, I had access to a small bathroom. The old, dusty bathroom was filled with broken, rusted plumbing. The walls were cracked, like in my room. The mirror was broken into pieces. But at least it was much more interesting than my bedroom. I found a few syringes, threads, wrappers. For me, all these things were like diamonds. I could re-read the composition of the candy on wrappers several times.
Entertaining myself as I can..

I don't know how old the house is and who used to live here, but thanks to that person for not throwing away the newspapers.  I would never have thought that at the age of 19 I would be reading the newspaper so enthusiastically, and even the same article several times.  No seriously, have you seen what the headlines used to be?? 

'Giant spiders exist?! Or Jewish experiences?!' 

Wow .. this is more interesting than some YouTube video.  I didn't know we had such horror stories in our town. 
Indeed, the good ol'days used to be better. 
These articles gave me a breath of fresh air that I was missing so much.  Especially in this dusty room... especially when the ceiling is crumbling.  But everything will be fine, because soon, I plan to get out of this place.  Tobias arrived earlier than usual this morning.  "Knock-knock!"  His playful voice came from behind the door.

Without waiting for my answer, he opened the door and entered.  His gaze was fixed on me.  It looks like he was expecting something from me, I just sat there, leaning against the wall.

  His eyes narrowed and he sat down on the old bed next to me  I silently turned my head, not looking at him.  His smile only widened.

Leaving the canned food beside me, he got up from bed and walked over to the dusty, boarded up window.  Taking the jar with trembling hands, I examined it.  Ew.. this does not look good. The canned food itself was very...not fresh, but the iron lid was still hard and sharp.

  "The weather is so so beautiful in the beginning of autumn, it's a pity that your windows are boarded up.." He thoughtlessly uttered the phrase, as if he was lost in his thoughts.  That's what I need!  I immediately took advantage of the opportunity.

"Ahem..uh.. it looks like this canned food has gone bad.."

"Oh? You doubt the food I give you?"

He moves away from the window and slightly raises an eyebrow as he approaches me.

"Yes, that's right."
  I answered dryly, handing him the can, he looked at me strangely.

"Do you want me to try and determine if it's gone bad or not?"

  I just silently nod my head, in the hope that he would do so. 

"Alright. If it reassures you , then I'll do it."
He took the jar and opened his mouth.
My eyes were glued on him, glowing with anticipation. 

"Haha, did you seriously think this would work?"

  Tobias stopped and looked at me with mocking pity. 

What..?  No no no no no!  How did he..?  Why?  Everything could've worked!  I could've ran away!  Why why why?!

"You look so surprised, it's even cute, hah."  He continued.  "Your plan was to poison me? Seriously? Did you think I wouldn't notice that the cockroach repellent was suddenly missing? Did you want me to die such a disgusting death? How rude."

Is he not angry?  Or is he angry?  I don’t understand.. what I do?  How could he even notice?
My heart was beating wildly in my chest. 

"You know..I'm really mad at you..what if I make you eat it yourself? Hm? What do you think?"

  I just shook my head nervously, clenching my fist.

"But what do you need the lid for? Do you think I didn't notice?"

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