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How did everything come to this? I don't know how much time has passed, but it feels like it's been days. The fear of the unknown was going on for too long. No one was coming. No one was leaving. Nothing was happening. I felt uneasy in this empty, godforsaken place.  I seemed to be waiting for something.  But what was I waiting for?  My savior? Or my death?  The longer I stayed here, the more I couldn't believe in all this.  Maybe my parents or Shay have already announced me missing?  I can't know for sure. 

It's quite difficult to keep track of time when the only thing that lets you know what time it is is the light infected by the boards.
  Time passed so slowly.  It felt like I was stuck in this room forever.

The isolation here is oppressive. I have nothing but my own mind to keep me company. The silence feels like it's driving me to the edge. How much longer can I handle this?

My mind wanders. My thoughts race - I find myself thinking about how my life used to be. The freedom, the feeling of being able to explore,  It feels like such a distant memory now. How could I ever complain about anything back then, not when I was in this state?

Loneliness drove me crazy.  I never thought that being alone with myself and my thoughts was such torture.  Strange and sometimes frightening thoughts ate me.  Maybe something is wrong with me?  I was trying to run from myself.  That's why I wanted to just sleep, escape my thoughts, myself, reality.  Am I going to just die here?  Not even do anything. Like I never even existed in the first place. 

Because of dehydration, I was unable to do even the most ordinary things.  Sometimes I heard strange sounds.  Whether they were from outside, or somewhere in the house.  Or perhaps just in my head.  I don't trust myself anymore at this point. 

My throat was dry, my lips were cracked, my whole body was telling me that I was going to die soon. And this stupid rope too.  It was tied so tightly that I could barely move my arms.  There must have been bruises under it.  And why am I thinking about it?  It's not like it'll untie anytime soon.

Thoughtfully lying on the bed, I noticed how a thin beam of light that slipped through a gap in the wood fell on the carelessly broken pieces of glass.  It seems that the light sparkles, and the rays diverge in different directions.  The shard looked quite sharp, it seemed that even with a light touch, you could cut yourself.  Maybe it can cut the rope?  Yes, exactly!  How did I not think of that before?? I was such an idiot.  I jumped out of bed and a long, nasty creak sounded throughout the house. 
Oh God, my ears... I'll just hope Tobias is deaf, if he's even in this house. He probably just left me here to die, and, 'not to get his hands dirty'.  Although he had no problem doing it before.  Bending down on my haunches, I tried to take the fragment in my hands, which, by the way, was not very easy.  After several failed attempts and cuts, I finally managed to get my hands on it.

  Hooking the rope with glass was not as easy as in they show in movies. I was supposed to hook this thick, tightly tightened rope without even seeing what I'm doing.  I starting to think that the task was impossible and that I would die from blood loss due to my cuts.  But finally, through blood, labor, sweat and tears, I did it.

As soon as I felt the rope loosen, I rushed to the door.  I need to get out of here quickly. 
A drop of hope flashed through my thoughts, but who would've thought that it would leave me so quickly.

As soon as they reached for the handle, the door itself opened. 

And the person in front of me was definitely not my saviour..

Without thinking for a second, I grabbed a sharp piece of glass. It was the first thing I saw, and I wanted to take advantage of the moment – my chance to attack my assailant. I wanted to defend myself, and the best defense- is an attack. It didn’t matter where I hit him. My goal now was just to cause as much pain as possible. The sharp edge felt dangerous in my hands, but this was now or never. No time to be scared, that comes later. Tobias wasn’t moving a muscle. How is he so calm?  Will he accept my attack or will he deflect?  There was no logical sense in his actions.  His unpredictability scared me.

  Narrowing my eyes, I attacked him. I rushed forward, prepared to strike – he raised his hand almost instinctively, stopping my strike. My god, what's wrong with him? Is he really that strong? I have to find a way out of this situation right now.
I'm in great danger...

  "Thanks for the warm welcome, I guess..." Tobias said dryly.  Blood trickled down his arm.  Did I pierce him after all?  It hurt me to even look at his palm, even though I hated him.  But he didn't seem to care.  Doesn't it hurt?  Is he like, Immortal or something??  He has a shard sticking out of his hand and he's just staring at me?? Well isn't this great..

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