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It's been a week since I stopped working on the night shift. And it's all because if that 'caring' dude. He really called my boss and told him I don't 'fulfill my duty'. What an asshole. But strangely enough, Mr Kennedy didn't just let me off the hook this time. I'd fall asleep at work a bunch of times but he never really cared, so what happened now? Why does he care? Maybe the guy was someone influential?
I was told I'd be 'suspended' from the night shift, but I'd still be working in the morning. Just like how it started. Not that I really want to work the night shift, I just really need the money, so I could get away from this town, get away from that maniac, and live a peaceful life in some big city.
But either way, I guess it's my fault for falling asleep.. I shouldn't have tested my boss' generosity.
Maybe this isn't so bad.. I mean, at least I'll get to sleep more.

Sofie has to work again instead of me. Hah, sucks to be her.

It was the end of my shift, Sofie came to take the keys.
"Good luck, hope you don't get kidnapped." I sang out.
"Oh will you shut up already?! It's not funny!" She snapped.
Hm? What's up with her?

"Hey, you okay?" It's none of my business but I'm not a heartless person.
"No! There's just a guy standing in front of the store every night..he never comes in..he just stands there, as if waiting for someone, or watching someone.. I don't know. He's kinda shady.. I can't really make out what he looks like, but he has a hatchet! What if he's stalking me, Will?! What do I do?!"
A hatchet? Is it him? No way..I thought it was a dream..but if it really is him..then we big problems...I don't want to get Sofie into this.

"Will, are you listening?!"
"Right, sorry..uh, maybe we should tell the police about this?"
"Oh please, like they'll do anything." Sofie scoffed. Right.
"Hmm..well, if you're sure of his bad intentions, maybe you should take a couple days off. Then he'll notice you're not coming to work and he'll stop stalking you. I'm sure Andrew won't mind covering for you."
"Do you really think Mr Kennedy will let me off?! I just got back from my vacation."
"I guess you're right.. Meh, you shouldn't have taken a vacation then" I jokingly taunted, trying to lighten up the mood. She just glared at me.
"Ugh, you're no help! Wish me luck I guess.."
"Uh-huh, good luck." I rushed home, praying I don't meet the 'stalker'.

After our chat with Sofie, I regretted not going to the police the first time. Now because of me, her life might be in danger.. besides, I don't feel like listening to Sofie complain about a 'stalker' everyday.
I better stop this before something bad happens..

I walked up to the police station, took a deep breath, and went In..
Phew.. hope this goes well..

It didn't.
All they said was "mhm, we'll inform you if we find something."
Well clearly they didn't make an effort to find anything. A month passed and I didn't receive any calls, emails, nothing!
This is one of the reasons I hate this town..

I decided to take the matter into my own hands and bought a very cheap security camera. With my own money. Hmph..Mr Kennedy should be grateful, I've been telling him we should get a camera ever since I started working there. But I always got the same answer: "you need it- you buy it". I did Mr Kennedy, I did.
I'm so nice..

But you know what? The camera didn't help me find that maniac. No, not because they were cheap and broke the first day, but because he just stopped coming. And what's worse, is that Sofie didn't even remember him! It's like he never existed at all!

"I really don't know who you're talking about, Will. Now can you go? I have to work."
"Oh come on Sofie! A month and a half ago, you told me that you thought there was a stalker standing outside the store. True or False?" I knew that Sofie's older than me, but not this old! How can she forget something like this?! HE HAD AN HATCHET!
"Oh can stop it already?! You've asked me about this several times already."
I huffed and left her to her work.

What is going on these days? First I don't remember something, then Sofie..

Maybe it wasn't that psycho after all... Maybe it was just a random guy who just went out to smoke..why did I just assume it was him? I have problems.. Well, either way, I should be happy that he's not here.

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