Chapter 5

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(Hey guys! Little authors note, I'm going to be switching the third person writing because it's a lot easier for me to write, and first person sounds weird! I'm also going to be making the paragraphs shorter)

5:45, Noelle's room

Noelle scrolled on her phone, and a text showed up from Aneira stating,

"you wanna come over? we're having a movie night. it's gonna be me, miguel, caleb, levi, and hayden. we do them every friday night, so I thought I would invite you tonight! come over at six"

She responded with a yes, and since she only had fifteen minutes, she went downstairs since it was around a ten minute walk.

"Mom! Dad! I'm going to go to Aneira's for the night! Love you, bye!" She shouted loudly as she walked out of the house, grabbing her house key as she walks out of the door, shutting it behind her.

Her keys jangled in her pockets as she got the airpods out of her pocket, and began playing her playlist as she walked. She soon made it to Aneira's house, so she walked up the porch steps before knocking on the front door.

"HUSH! Hi Noelle! Come on in, the guys are in the kitchen, and Hayden is getting blankets and stuff. I'll show you to the kitchen!" Aneira said, welcoming Noelle inside.

She said hi to Hayden and Aneira led her to the kitchen, where Levi, Caleb, and Miguel were standing against the kitchen island. The microwave was on, so there was probably popcorn or something cooking in it.

"Hey guys!" Noelle spoke, two of the three boys turning their heads to see where the voice was coming from.

"Hey Noelle!" Levi and Caleb exclaimed in sync with a smile on their faces. Noelle smiled back, and looked over at Miguel, who was looking at his phone, ignoring everything else.

The microwave went off, which startled Miguel, and when he looked up, he finally noticed Noelle was there, and he shot her a smile before taking the bag of popcorn and pouring it into the bowl.

"Everyone come on the couch! Noelle is picking the type of movie we're watching because it's her first time doing movie night." Aneira exclaimed as everyone found their spot on the couch. Hayden sat on the end next to Caleb, who was next to Levi, then Aneira sat by Levi, and Miguel sat down on the other end of the couch, leaving space between Aneira and him for Noelle to sit.

"So, what kind of movie do you want to watch?" Levi asked, looking over at her with a remote in his hand.

"Hmm...maybe horror?" Noelle suggested as Levi went into the horror section of HBO and picked out a movie, which no one said they've seen. The movie began playing, and Noelle grabbed a handful of popcorn and shoving it in her mouth.

About ten minutes into the movie, a jump scare came up, and everyone visibly jumped, and some popcorn went on the floor.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT-" Miguel screamed in a high pitched voice, which caused everyone to laugh loudly, drowning out the sounds of the movie. The boy was flustered from embarrassment, but he laughed with everyone too.

Soon, the movie was over, and probably an entire bowl of popcorn was on the floor, Levi and Aneira were asleep and cuddling, Caleb was sleeping on the floor, and Hayden was sleeping on the other end of the couch.

"Hey Elle? You awake?" Miguel whispered, trying not to wake anyone up.

"Mhm, why?" She responded in a tired voice, looking over and trying to see the boy in the dark, but only being able to make a faint outline of him.

"Just wanted to check, and see if anyone was awake I could talk to." He sighed, sitting up.

"Well, what should we talk about?" She questioned the boy. He shrugged his shoulders in response.

The two ended up talking for hours, somehow being able to find something new to talk about each time the subject of the conversation becomes boring.

"No because I just don't understand it, how do you like math??" Miguel questioned the girl through laughs, trying not to be too loud.

"Because I'm good at it.. unlike some people." She chuckled in a tired voice, yawning after.

"Hey! I'm not bad at math, I just hate it!" Miguel spoke, but not getting a response. After a few minutes, he kicked her leg gently.

"Elle?" Miguel asked, but getting no response. He said her name a few more times, but then he stopped because he finally realized she was asleep. He stared up at the ceiling, his eyelids becoming heavier by the minute until he eventually falls asleep.

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