While the crew was out shopping, Hippolyte chose to go back to her birthplace in Vermont in order to see what was going on over there. She trotted deep into the forest and used one of her paws to draw a symbol in the dirt that would open a portal to her destination. Once she arrived in at a lake that she vaguely recognizes from her childhood, but everything surrounding the lake was buried within thick snow.
Not too far away, the floof was able to just barely make out the shape of a crimson, rectangular sign with beige borders under the moonlit night sky. Scurrying through the snow, Hippolyte turned her tiny head upwards to read the words "Legendary lake monster lives here", but couldn't get herself to read the rest of the sign before she scurried off to a more remote area to look out onto the lake.
Once she found a nice spot, Hippolyte hid in the nearby snow-covered foliage and looked out onto the lake. However, her small ears perked up when the sound of some strange yap-like noises caught her attention. As she scampered through the winter snow, the eyes of the mutt caught a glimpse of a large creature with a pinniped-like body, horse-like head, snake-like neck, and strong flippers which appeared to have a snare trap tied around it's muzzle.
Upon closer inspection, Hippolyte remembered when Gage pinched the slide lock to release the pup. She'd then use the same method on the animal's muzzle whilst she avoided the panicked thrashing of the creature. After the creature reluctantly calmed down, Hippolyte went back to the barn to grab a first-aid kit and used some bandages around the animal's snout.
"There you go. All better." The pom whispered in a calm voice with a subtle tail wag as she began to stroke the creature with her front paws. The animal didn't really seem to show any signal of aggression, but never really
"I suppose that if I am going to care for you, I should probably give you a name... how does 'Ghost Flower' sound?" Hippolyte asked to the peaceful animal, who responded with a simple head nod to simply get this over with. Now, they knew that they would have to tolerate
However, Hippolyte looked at the watch that her fluffy fur concealed, and noticed that the others should be back soon. After she gave Ghost a spare scarf she had on her, the two bid farewell to eachother as Hippolyte returned back to the stables just in time and greeted the others with a tail wag and some kisses.
However, Hippolyte looked at the watch that her fluffy fur concealed, and noticed that the others should be back soon, but promised to meet her new friend in during the night. In order to remember their meet-up spot, Hippolyte used a stick to draw a portal in the dirt within some foliage right before placing a paw print on the trees that surround their meeting spot.
(4/15/2023) Canonically, the only two members of Formal Friesian Riding School that know about Ghost's existence is Hippolyte and Gage Witherwilt.
(7/15/2023) Ghost's snout/muzzle was caught in the snare trap instead of his flipper.
(FFRS) Hippolyte & Ghost
RandomA canonical story that I might add on to in the future. But for now, consider it to be mostly done. Update: - (4/15/2023) Canonically, the only two members of Formal Friesian Riding School that know about Ghost's existence is Hippolyte and Gage With...