🍋 Getting touchy~||douma x reader 🍋

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Tw: contains alcohol, rough sex

 MY GUYS THICK! Modern au! College au! Douma and you have a little too much to drink and things get wild~ 😏---------------------------------

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Modern au! College au!
Douma and you have a little too much to drink and things get wild~ 😏

--at the party--

"CHUG CHUG CHUG!" the whole room chanted as they watched douma and you inhale the drinks. "I bet one is going to pass out! But who!" one girl said to her best friend. "I don't know! They both have a high tolerance and it doesn't even look like they're even affected by the drinks!"

They watched as you both drank another beer. Until, "YOU BASTARD'S STOP DRINKING!" the booming voiced yelled out over the big crowd. It all got quite as they turned to see who yelled. It was akaza. He walked up to the table and grabbed both of you by your collars.

"You both are going home!" the whole crowd boo'd at akaza. "OH GO CRY TO YOUR MOMMY'S ABOUT IT!" he pulled the both of you by the collar. "Akaza-kun~ why'd you stop ussss~.. We were having sooo much funnn~" you slightly slurred your words. The alcohol was now kicking into yours and douma's body's.

"Ugh because both of you fuck wads are going to have a big hang over and who's going to have to take care of you! Me! SO THAT'S WHY I WANT YOU BOTH HOME!" he shouted and watched as you had slight tears in your eyes.

"Omg! Akaza-nii!" douma whined. "You made n/n-kun cry!~"douma got out of akaza's grip and hugged you and put your head on his chest. "Shhhhh n/n-kun that bad man won't hurt you no more~" he said as he put his head in between your neck and shoulder.

Akaza just stared with an irked expression. "Sigh I'll just call a taxi for you two" he said and pulled out his phone. The taxi soon pulled up and akaza walked towards the passenger door. The taxi driver rolled down the window.

"Hello I would like you to take these 2 fuckers home. This is there address. They did drink so just be ready for a lot of drunkness.. Hope you don't mind that embarrassed laugh. Sorry!" akaza rubs his neck before turning towards the 2 of you.

"Hey fuckers time to go-...home" akaza watched as you and douma dance in the now pouring rain.

"What the... STOP DANCING AND GET IN THE TAXI!" you both looked at akaza. "It seems like this is goodbye... My love~" douma giggled and held your outstretched hand and watched you kiss the top of his hand.

Akaza and the driver looked with a dotted eye expression. "They're definitely gay for each other" the driver said. "Yeah" akaza answered without a second thought.

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