Treacherous Execution

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This chapter will either be the conclusion for the singularity or I'll make another chapter dedicated to the end of Salter and the true beginning of the singularities.

Happy 4/20

"I hate saying this, but I promise."

Idris stared at the knight confused. He wasn't Mordred, his brother has been dead for a long time. But the knight clearly knew him, so who was he?

Idris didn't get time to process any of the events that just happened as the knight drew his blade before calling out, "MORDRED!!"

Idris could only dodge as he avoided the strike before raising his arms, "I don't even know who you are!!"

The knight only got angrier, "Don't lie Mordred! You know what you've done!" He raised his blade and swung at Idris again.

Idris, realizing that he was utterly fucked, did the last thing he could. He summoned Clarent to barely block the blade coming for his head.

"I'm not Mordred! I will never be Mordred!" Idris yelled at him, "I'm my own person! I will not be defined by what my brother has done dammit!"

"Brother? You have no brother Mordred!"

"I'm not Mordred," Idris told him again, barely holding on to the blade lock, "My name is Idris! Idris Emiya-Pendragon!"

He used all of the force left in his left arm to punch the Saber, shocking him.

"I am the son of Arthur Pendragon! I'm as much as a bastard son as Mordred is, only I was recognized by my father. My fate is my own! Not some predetermined bullshit!"

Idris by now had broken the blade lock, Saber being stunned by what Idris was saying. He was finally realizing what he was saying.

"I'm a prince, but do I want to be one?! No! I don't want the responsibility! I'm not worthy to be a king! I'm just a lost soul is this giant unforgiving world we live in! Mordred's sins reflect on me? Should I suffer because of them? No! My sins are my own! I will not let all the things I strive for be denied! My aspirations only die when I die. No more war!" Idris was now blindly swinging his blade, being caught up in his surge of emotions, "No more orphans! Just let me have peace! I deserve that much!"

Idris fell to his knees, a silent tear falling from his eye that only Saber saw, "Just let me see my sister," he whispered, Tamamo hearing him only due to her fox ears.

Mash, Caster, Fujimaru, and Olga watched as this all happened in shock. They finally got to know more about him, only in the worst way they could.

Tamamo stood still. Saber walked forward before kneeling next to Idris, putting a hand on his shoulder. Idris didn't seem to notice as he silently let out more tears. Only when Saber shook him did he realize what happened. He only sighed and gave a small smile as he stood back up, only letting them see his back.

"Let's go deal with Archer, yeah?" He said to them before Caster slowly walked forward before looking at Idris and patting his shoulder.

"Just follow me," Caster said as he started to walk off. Idris followed shortly after with Tamamo in tow.

The last four stared in shock before silently going in the direction of Saber. They were going to end this war.


"Uh, Director?" Fujimaru asked, getting her attention, "What did he mean by the son of Arthur Pendragon and brother of Mordred? Haven't they both been dead for centuries?"

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