A hero to be (1/2)

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Work has been a bitch

3 months later

Wind blew threw the trees as an animal rushed through the undergrowth. This animal was a red deer. It continued to run as a small figure tracked it through the trees.

Aqua eyes tracked the deer as it started to slow, a arrow was notched on the bowstring of the bow in his hands. He struck quickly as the arrow hit the deer in the abdomen, hitting an organ. Before the deer could move two more arrows impacted it.

The deer fell down, barely clinging to life, as a knife impacted its skull killing it quickly. A hand picked up the knife before he sheathed it onto his belt. A boy no older than 11 started to drag the deer back to his home. This boy was Idris. He was hunting because Chiron told him and Achilles to go out and survive by themselves for a month. Idris had no problem with this due to his previous life.

It had already been 2 weeks since the challenge started and he was still going strong. He still had his skills to support him alongside his magecraft. He knew Achilles would be fine since the kid has been doing this longer than him.

He continued to drag the deer until he reached a small cave where he decided to live for this challenge. Embers of a fire were still alive as he put more fuel for the embers to burn. He wasted no time to skin and gut the deer, the whole process taking 2 hours.

Within those two hours the fire he made grew to where he could cook and smoke the meat of the deer for himself. And without further notice he got to work.

While waiting for his food to cook he grabbed a waterskin from his belt before drinking what was in it. He felt the pouch of water become empty as he sat there waiting. He kept his eyes on the food as it cooked until he heard a twig snap and he saw another figure. The sun had just started to set so he could make out some of the features of the person. It was a girl around his age, physically anyways, who possessed pale blonde hair and pale blue eyes. He saw her smile at him, but it put him on edge, before she just seemed to disappear into thin air.

The hair on his neck stood as he felt something on his shoulder and a voice whispered sweetly into his ear, "You don't have to be alone, just let me in."

It sounded more like a shout to Idris as he quickly drew his knife and turned around only to find no one there. He heard what sounded like laughter coming from his back and quickly turned again, only to find no one there again.

'She's just an allusion, calm down. She's not real.' He thought to himself before the voice returned again.

"I'm as real as you.." the voice said behind him. This time when he turned he saw her. The pale blue eyes, pale blonde hair, pale skin, and a sickly sweet smile on her lips.

Idris immediately tried to grab her but his hand phased through her. He stared in shock before he felt her arm on his arm. He immediately pulled back as he stared at her.

Idris let out a low growl as she just smiled at him, "What do you want witch!?"

"What I want is power, and you have an untapped trove of it," her voice still sounded no more than a whisper.

She moved her hand towards his face as he flinched backwards. He scowled at her as she seemed to find joy in his anger.

"What you want is my death! Just like my father and brother! You've done nothing but bring ruin!"

Idris's anger grew with every moment, while Morgan's joy grew when she saw a flash of pale yellow in one of his eyes. All she had to do was give a little push.

Idris moved his body away from her as he used mana burst to jump backwards, not realizing that she seemed to float with him.

"Your father was weak. Your brother was just a tool to me. But you?" She stopped speaking as she stared Idris in the eyes and lifted an arm behind his head.

Idris stared back as a faint blue glow surrounded his head, he didn't even notice it. His anger didn't recede as the witch pulled away from him before smiling and disappearing.

He scowled at the place she once was before snorting and going back to his food. He took it off the fire and started to eat. All he could think was ways to kill the witch. He didn't even know why she was still connected to him. Last time he saw her was his grail war and he attempted to skewer her on sight.

He let out a grumble as he shook his head and sighed. There was no point in losing sleep over it. He still had to complete this challenge.

He stood up, grabbed his waterskin, and attempted to make it to the closest stream to him.

He silently walked through the woods as the moon lit up the mountainside. He kept his eyes forward as he heard the water and smiled to himself. He can do this. This is his purpose.

Unknown to Idris the same witch was watching him silently before smiling to herself as she went through his memories. All the pain he endured only made him strong, even if he's currently in the body of a child. One specific memory that stuck out to her is when he fought the corrupted version of his father. His use of Clarent and Excalibur at the same time to use his own noble phantasm to rip a singularity apart, a figment of time itself, stuck out to her also. His power and potential were still great, he just needed to restrict himself less and embrace his power.

Yes. That's what he'll be. The enforcer of her kingdom. Even if she has to change him for it to happen. The witch of treachery and her knight.

Yeah, sorry I'm late with this. But I've been busy with work and really only now just got a break to write a chapter.

Anyways, have a nice day/night

Bama out

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Morgan le Fay

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