Trapped by the past

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So suffocating...for the first time in my life...I felt so stuffed. 


I heard a voice in the distance. I knew someone was calling my name. I just know it. I have to find that voice, stat. When I walked further, I saw my grandma's picture with an Ubau-zo's face on it coming towards me.

Precious: Ubau-zo? Precure, Precious Triangle!

I saw my triangle attack hit the Ubau-zo and it was gone.

Precious: I did it!

Moments after, with a siren form a distance was so loud it came directly to my ears.

Precious/Yui: Ugh! Get out of my head!

The sound refused to stop, inching at me closer and closer.

My head is scratching form all this stress. That's not how I was when I'm full...

Mad and frustrated, I tore of the scrunchies that held up part of my hair and it went down by force, leaving my bangs in a total mess. As I did, a purple and yellow laser struck the ambulance and I struggled to walked forward. Tears flowed from my face as I wanted to continue finding that voice but loud sounds started to strike through. I took a step further and got down again.

???:You are just like that lying blowhard! Admit it!

Yui: No...she is never a liar, and I will never-

Takeru: No! Don' there...please...

I felt a thump on my chest as I was stopped in my tracks. I felt someone wrapping his arms around me and sobbing at me. His light purple hair tickled against mine and I stopped immediately.

Precious: s....Sword?

Takeru: Takeru is fine.


Precious: You're stuck in there too. That's right, my grandma died from an illness my family never knew. Was it the same for you?

He let go of his embrace as he stared at me with melancholy. He shook his head no.

Takeru: my mom had it worse.

Precious: ?

Takeru: She got killed in drunker car accident.

Precious: How old are you when that happened?

Takeru: I was eight.

That's when we realised we had one thing in common, we both lost someone close at a young age. The last thing I remember her saying to me was: "This time, I will make sure to cook something up for you, Yui, and I will tell you everything. I may not be fine now but it's the thought that counts." 

And then the next morning...

She was on the floor, lying there, not breathing...soup bubbling...and kettle whistling.

When the paramedics arrived...they pronounced that Oishiina Town has lost a hero.

Now that she is not around anymore, there is no one to protect me from any bully. Sure we dealt with people who dislike our food but we won't let that get into us. Agh! My head is hurting...

Takeru, and started to help me with no amount of pain at all.

I stood there with Takeru, fighting back tears while questioning this "immunity" he had.

That's when I learnt that He and his team had special powers and they are the Pretty cures that are supposed to rescue the past cures form this mess.

The mess I'm in now...

Is that why they proclaim themselves as the name: "Hybid"?

I am thinking too much...

I want to escape this place...

I want to escape this place

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