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The house had been eerily quiet recently, Tom and Mattheo were barely talking to each other and Mattheo was barely talking in general. It scared Delancy, being shut out like this, but she knew there had to be good reason for it.

She was gardening and planting some flowers outside, when she heard Tom's voice calling for her. She stood up and cleaned the dirt from her clothes. She glided inside the house, making her way up to his office. "Yes dad?"

"Has Mattheo told you?" Tom asked, frowning.

Delancy furrowed her eyebrows. "No? Told me what?"

"Okay, that was all I needed to know."

Delancy left the room, positively confused, she headed up to Mattheo's room, planning on asking him about it. Opening the door, she was met with the sight of Mattheo sobbing on the floor.

"Mattheo? Are you okay?" She questioned, concerned for her twin.

Mattheo slammed the door in her face with a wave of his wand, causing Delancy to frown. Whatever he was sad about, hopefully he would tell her later. Thinking about it, she hadn't heard back from Lorenzo since a few days ago, which worried her greatly. Maybe he was just busy. She tried not to think about it too much and headed downstairs, sitting on the couch and picking up where she left off in Little Women.

After a while, Tom came down the stairs. "It's time for dinner, Lancy."

Delancy nodded, and bookmarked her spot, sitting at the dinner table with her dad.

"Is Mattheo not gonna join us?" She wondered, confused.

"No, not tonight." Tom answered her, eating a bit of the lasagna the house elves prepared.

Delancy looked at him confused and begun eating as well. It was silent for a few moments, but not uncomfortable.

She looked at Tom again. "What happened between you guys?"

Tom tensed up. "He'll tell you when he's ready."

Delancy dropped the subject, and as soon as she was done eating, she put her plate in the sink and hurried up stairs. She brushed her teeth and changed into her pajamas, still confused about what was happening between her brother and father. They rarely ever got into arguments, so it must've been pretty serious. She tried not to think about it and laid down in bed, awaiting whatever the next day held for her.

Tomorrow came sooner than imagined, and Delancy went downstairs in her pajamas, seeing Mattheo emotionless on the couch.

"Mattheo.. I'm really worried about you." She stood awkwardly in front of him, hoping he'd fill her in on what's going on.

"It's nothing." He snapped, standing up and going back upstairs into his room. Delancy felt tears begin to form in her eyes. She never usually one to cry over people, but it hurt when someone she cared about was clearly going through something, and not telling her.

She walked back upstairs and the entire family spent the day in their respective rooms. Delancy felt hopeless, sitting on her bed, she wanted to help her brother, but she didn't know how without upsetting him.

By almost a week of this going on, Delancy was sick of it.

"Alright. You are not shutting me out. Tell me what happened." she demanded, standing in front of Mattheo who was sitting at his desk. He sighed.

"Fine, but you can't tell anyone."

"I promise you I won't."

"You might wanna sit down."

Delancy frowned, not expecting it to be such a big deal. She sat down on his bed, shivering and she wrapped her jacket more closely around himself. Mattheo pulled up his sleeve.

And how Delancy wished he never showed her.

She looked up at him, scoffing. "Stop pulling jokes."

Mattheo started crying. "I'm not joking, Lance."

Upon closer look, his mark was covered in scratches and dried blood, from where it appeared he had attempted to scratch it off himself. Delancy gulped, feeling sick and furious.


"Yeah?" she whispered.

"Lorenzo got it too."

Delancy didn't do anything for a moment, taking it all. She nodded and walking out of his room, pulling open her dad's office door.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" She screamed at him. Tom rubbed his temples, knowing she knew. He stood up.

"Delancy, it's for the best-"

"Yeah I'm sure giving your FIFTEEN year old son the dark mark is for the best!"

Tom frowned. "You will not speak to me that away."

"Oh fuck off, first you can't even saying three fucking words to us, and now you wanna act like a father figure?"


"Don't call me that." Delancy seethed.

"You don't understand."

Delancy had enough. She raised her hand and slapped her father across the face. Tom stood there in shock. "I hate you."

Tom spoke quietly, trying not to lose his temper. "Exit my office."

Delancy scoffed.

"Delancy, I said fucking exit."

Delancy left, she felt more angry then ever. Walking straight down to the living room, she grabbed a handful of floo powder and stepped into the fireplace. "Malfoy Manor."

In seconds she appeared, nearly tripping over her feet. Draco and Lorenzo were already in the living room, conveniently enough for her.

"Delancy?" Draco said, confused, eyebrows furrowed.

Delancy ignored him and grabbed Lorenzo's arm taking him upstairs into the first empty bedroom, and sat him on the bed. "I know about it."

Lorenzo gulped.

"I know about the mark."

It was silent for a few moments, before Lorenzo broke down in tears. Delancy pulled him into a tight hug, running her hands down his back in an attempt to sooth him.

"I-I didn't w-want it." Lorenzo sobbed, letting out everything he was keeping bottled up.

"Shh, I know." she whispered back, a few tears of her own coming out. His sobs broke her. It was like someone close to him died.

They stayed there for a few hours, both of them falling asleep in each other's arms.

Delancy's heart was broken for Lorenzo.

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