Chapter 20: Unwanted Plus One

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The video was an uproar.

Hundreds of thousands of views in one minute. Millions of views in five.

The number kept rising exponentially until it reached the asymptote.

Most viewed the video with pity and slight disappointment in the Number Two Hero. Those who were endeared to Endeavour saw the video as an outrage or a betrayal, some forsaking the Number Two Hero from the humiliating defeat at the hands, or foot, of the Demon of Hosu. Others found the video hilarious; one felt that it was justly deserved, karmic retribution for the scar on his left eye.

The one in glasses and with engine tubes protruding from his back legs was one of the outraged individuals, glaring at the man who was visually appraising him.

"You want me to train this thing?"

The one known as Garou pointed at Tenya Iida, younger brother of Ingenium.

"I am not a thing! I am Tenya Iida! The one that will bring you to-"

However, before Tenya could continue, his brother covered his mouth from behind.

"Ahaha, please go easy on him. He is still a bit agitated at the moment, so..."

"Oh great, it's annoying." The Hero Hunter grimaced at the sight of the loudmouth that was giving him wrathful glares.

"Do you mind if I pull out his engine things?" Garou asked as he narrowed his eyes at the little brother.

Tenya stopped talking, frozen stiff.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." Garou scoffed. "Listen, you brat. I am in a good mood. Suppose you try and annoy me on purpose because you have personality issues; I'll cut off your legs and send you to a permanent wheelchair. One more unwanted lip from you, and you will know greater agony than Endeavour's. Do I make myself clear?"

Tenya did not respond as cold sweat trickled from his skin.

"Ahaha, sorry." Tensei let go of Tenya as the latter continued staring at Garou, yet the suppressed frustration was still there.

"Nii-san... I am against this!"


Tenya froze on the spot.

"Talk more politely."

"...I am against... training under him... He is the-"

Tenya stopped when Garou growled, reminding him of his threat.

"...I mean..."

"Tenya." Tensei placed a hand on Tenya's shoulder. "I know that this man isn't someone a hero would associate with. But... after watching him for a while, I've realized that we might learn something from him. You might gain something important from Bang."

"...Bang?" Tenya asked.

"That is my name. Remember to use it whenever we're in public or else." Garou reminded.

Tenya stared at the crimson-haired rogue standing in broad daylight atop the sands of Dagobah Beach, dumbfounded.

Who was this person standing across him? Wasn't he supposed to be more... vicious? Savage? He turned back towards his brother while Tensei shrugged with an apologetic smile.

"I don't think this one is ready, honestly. He's the type to ignore the important stuff when it slaps his face."

"Hey!" Tenya shot back. "Your accusation is biased! I am at the top of my class in a private school!"

The moment he said that Garou's face scrunched into an even more disappointed scowl.

"Yeah, as I thought. He's way too pampered."

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