Chapter 3: Hunter Vs Hero

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"Now, where to look..." Garou mumbled to himself while looking at the map the boy gave him.

He now stood in Dagoba downtown still in search for a territory to mark. However, most of the isolated places there might be the slums and the dark-alleys. Still, Garou prefers the outdoors, not an odorous underground room with little to no light.

Despite taking the mantle of a monster, Garou was still a martial artist to his core. A quiet place free of distractions outdoors was preferable above all else, where he can focus all his energies on his goal in obtaining great power that lies on the other side.

As for other locations, Hosu might count as well. The place was quiet, the population not that high, and bore potential positions that suit his needs. Maybe he should hunt the other heroes there just for fun this time, to alleviate his boredom with their pain and suffering.

Something amusing like the time he forced a four-armed hero to punch himself with his own fist was preferable as well. Regardless, Garou didn't have any plans here. He was in a world not his own after all.

"I wonder if there's a place in Hosu I can use. Hmmm, should I ask the kid again?" Assuming Ghin would be more than willing to help aid him. Garou did hunt a lot of heroes ever since they departed.

As Garou murmured to himself, he took a turn to the nearest alley at his right. A presence was hunting him, one moving faster than the ilk he encountered so far. He had not a clue on their identity, but he seemed promising as he waited with his back facing the alley's exit.

A towering figure stood between the walls in complimenting symmetry, interposing the light shining into the darkness of the alley - posing with both knuckles resting his hips with his iconic smile flashing even past the absence of light.

"Your reign of terror ends here, Villain! Why? Because I am here! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" A jolly laughed followed after his iconic catchphrase.

Turning around, Garou saw the top of his list greeting his sight. He almost gawped at the muscular figure.

"Huh. What are the chances?" The encounter was almost too good to be genuine or coincidence.

Nevertheless, he greeted the Number One hero with his own smirk, one warped with belligerent anticipation, flashing his whites at the hero in return.

"Your timing is more impeccable than the rumors suggest, All Might."

His excitement almost exploding in his chest barely contained, Garou folded his map as calmly as he could, but his hand was still vibrating with gnawing impatience even when he slipped it in his pocket.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!" All Might laughed in return before his eyes staring firing piercing glares at the Hero Hunter.

"I wouldn't be the Number One Hero if I'm late otherwise, Hero Hunter. For all the victims you maimed, I will ensure your journey to Tartarus with my own hands."

"Hoh? No idea where that is, but it sounds scary~" Garou commented with a mocking octave.

At the end of his sentence, he slipped his backpack off his shoulders and tossed it to the alleyway, throwing them out of future harm's way.

"Indeed. Any last words, Villain?" All Might asked, silently channeling his Quirk under Garou's notice.

"You better not disappoint, Old Man. I assure you that you will suffer a fate worse than the guys I hunted on my debut if you fail my expectations."

This time, All Might's ever-present jolly smile reversed into a scowling frown at the mention of his first victims.

"They will rest well with you behind bars!"

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