Welcome To Hellfire

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Steve opened his eyes and Eddie was exactly where he was when Steve had fallen asleep. He hadn't moved an inch. He glanced at the clock. It was almost eight-thirty. He'd gotten about four hours of sleep. It was better than nothing. At least he didn't have anything he absolutely had to do today. Eddie's eyes were still wide open, staring off into space. But instead of smiling, now he was frowning. Steve placed a soft kiss on top of his head and Eddie slowly tilted back to look up at him.

"Seventeen thousand five hundred and fifty-eight."

"What's that?"

"How many times your heart beat while you were sleeping. I was counting." Eddie pulled out of Steve's arms and sat up near the edge of the bed. He pulled his legs up and wrapped his arms around them, rested his chin on his knees. "I'm sorry about last night."

"Which part," Steve asked with a laugh. "Calling me at midnight? Making me go for a walk in the woods in the middle of the night? Scaring me with how much of that Dreams crap you took?"

"All of it."

Eddie got out of bed, grabbed his clothes, then left the room. Steve sighed and sat up, put his shirt and shoes back on, then went to find Eddie. He was in the bathroom, so Steve went to the kitchen to find some caffeine. By the time Eddie came out of the bathroom, fully dressed, his arms crossed over his chest, his head down, and hiding behind his hair, Steve had a pot of coffee brewing.

"Did you sleep at all?" Eddie shook his head. "How do you feel?"

"Wired, but beat at the same time," he answered. "Embarrassed."

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about." Steve poured a cup of coffee for himself but didn't offer Eddie any. He figured caffeine was the last thing he needed while coming down off speed. "Do you want anything to eat or..." He started for the refrigerator.

"Uhm, sugar," Eddie said quietly. "The cabinet where you found the coffee, top shelf in the back. Wayne has a secret stash of peanut M&Ms." Steve dug around for the bag and when he found it, he handed it to Eddie and they sat down at the kitchen table together. Steve sipped his coffee while he watched Eddie shove handful after handful of candy into his mouth while refusing to look at Steve. After he'd eaten half the bag, he cleared his throat nervously. "Forget the things I said to you last night," he whispered. "I didn't mean them."

"That's not how truth serum works." Eddie peeked up at him. "The fourth thing in Dreams. The one you didn't know what it was. It's truth serum."

"Fuck," Eddie whispered then stood up. "I'm going back to bed. You can finish your coffee. But then you should leave." Steve stood quickly and grabbed Eddie's arm. "Steve, please don't."

But he made no effort to pull away. Steve took a step closer, used his other hand to tilt Eddie's head back, then he pressed his lips to Eddie's. Eddie accepted the kiss, raised a hand to touch Steve, to urge him closer. Steve snaked his arm around Eddie, backed him into the kitchen counter, then lifted him from the floor to sit on the counter. Eddie put his arms over Steve's shoulders, arched into him, wrapped his legs around his waist and locked his ankles at the small of his back. The kiss went on and on, neither of them willing to let go of the other one. But finally, Steve broke the kiss. He continued to hold Eddie as they rested their foreheads together.

"It may not be drug induced rainbow sparks," Steve breathed out. "But there's sparks when we kiss." Eddie just nodded. "Sweetheart, don't be embarrassed."

"I can't believe I said those things to you."

"Did you mean them?" Eddie nodded again. "Then what's wrong with saying them?"

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