Fight The Condemnation

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Fight The Condemnation


I feel awful because I keep on sinning. I feel each day I'm failing at being a good Christian.


You need to realise something. What is your perspective on your walk?

You need to realise that when we are filled with the spirit and because we are saved doesn't mean we are perfect and won't ever make mistakes or stumble.

We can sometimes fall into the trap of relying on our emotions. There are times when you can feel on fire, filled and just amazing in your walk. You can read the word for hours. There are also moments where you won't feel like reading or praying. It can happen but whenever that occurs I push myself to read and pray anyway because you shouldn't rely on your emotions.

You can feel the Holy Spirit and at other times you can feel like nothing is happening. When you feel like that, read and pray anyway. It's not about goosebumps and overwhelming fire for God. You have a zeal for God and passion for Him yes but don't allow the days when you'll feel tired or you feel God is not listening to hinder you from seeking God. When you go before God, He is always there whether you feel it or not. Whenever you stop, you're allowing the enemy to hinder your spiritual growth.

Imagine if I stopped whenever I didn't feel like reading the word or posting something on here. I would end up not doing anything a lot of the time. There are days where I've felt as if God is far or tired.

I simply can't rely on my feelings to direct me or else for one month you'll see tons of posts and the next month none at all. Your walk with God will be a walk filled with highs, lows, excitement, sadness, pain and joy. It's all of that but God is with you through it all and giving up is never an option.

And lastly Sis, we all sin. I want you to see yourself and ask yourself what you have in your mind. If you imagine yourself as a Godly woman who doesn't ever sin that's never going to happen. Here right now with our earthly bodies perfection will never occur.

What you're doing is that you're on the right track. When we sin, we should repent and turn away from the sin, confess to God and ask for forgiveness then we move on. This is the Christian walk. To expect to reach a certain level where sin becomes completely non-existent with your earthy body is self-deception. We all fall short. When we repent this doesn't mean you'll never lie again, never hurt again, never lust again or never fall again it means you're choosing not to go on that path anymore.

Not to go on the path of being a liar, sexual immorality, selfishness, anger etc. It doesn't mean you are perfect and will never make a mistake again. I sin, we all sin and every Christian has fallen short of God's glory but in Jesus Christ, we are redeemed and have salvation. If we can never say "Today I didn't sin at all!" or "I finally haven't sinned anymore. Now I don't need to go back to God ever". We would be  deceiving ourselves.

I want you to pull away from that deception. You will fall again because you're human. You won't ever be perfect. You might unintentionally but what makes us different is that we are not walking in sin. We seek to walk in righteousness, when we fall, we get back up and continue. If you run a race, when you fall, you shouldn't just quit the race but keep on going. God is not disappointed in you because He knows you're not perfect. He didn't call a perfect you sis, He called you, the sinful, the broken, the repentant daughter, this is you and He is doing work to make you more and more like Him each day.

When you sin, God is more concerned with you repenting and going back to Him than the number of times you've sinned. So if today, you make a mistake, repent and ask God to help you. Don't fall into the trap of running from God when you fall but when you sin in the middle of that mess that's when you cry "Abba Father", you cry out to God and tell Him you need Him.

As Christians, we hold no perfection that we can say we don't need Jesus today because we didn't sin. We hold no perfection to say that we are okay and can carry on walking in righteousness. We as Christians each day go on our knees and pray before God for forgiveness, help and grace over the battle against sin.

So when you sin, repent, go back to God and keep running the race. Fell again? Get up, keep moving and seek God. Fell again? That's okay, go back, repent and seek God. Fell again? Keep going after God and every time you seek to live righteously and move on, you're breaking the layers. You're becoming more pure like Jesus and soon you'll become more radiate of His glory.

This is different from sinning intentionally. We shouldn't have a perspective of sin now and repent later but when we truly love God, sin will suffocate us. It will feel difficult to have peace with sin. Your spirit won't be at rest and your heart is broken because you know it hurts Him.

If you're battling with condemnation, I encourage you to read Romans 8 today.


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