Forgive Your Past self

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Forgive your Past Self

If you have repented from doing something but still hold onto regrets, guilt, and shame. You haven't forgiven yourself. God has, but you haven't moved on

In order to grow as a person. You need to let go of whatever is weighing you down, even if it's you.

Looking back and cringing at your past mistakes and decisions is good. It shows that you have grown, you have realised your mistakes, you think differently, and would do differently. You're wiser and stronger. That was an old layer of skin. A past you. You need to learn to shed off the past and embrace the new you.

There will be a time when you'll look back to even this moment and have some regrets. No matter how many good decisions we make, we will always continue to grow in life. God will always keep molding you.

If you made some mistakes, you still feel shame on, learn to forgive yourself because at that time. That was you. But sis, that was an old you. At this time, you're not that person anymore.

Allow God to grow you without holding onto your old skin (past you). You can't get mad and upset at a you that doesn't have the information you have now. A you that didn't have the wisdom and understanding you have now.

You can't regret the things you didn't know would happen after you made some decisions.

Wanna grow and flourish? Let go of whatever is weighing you down. Your past self didn't have what you have today. That is growth.

The enemy wants you to remain in that position of vulnerability. He wants you to remain thinking about the past and condemning yourself. He wants to keep you trapped in your own web of regrets.

Learn to shake off the web. Let go of what you couldn't control and embrace where all those decisions have taken you because if it wasn't for all the good and bad you went through. You wouldn't be where you are now.

So God forgave me. Say this is a new me. Say you're still growing. Say that God loves me. Say you love you.

Romans 8:1
Life in the Spirit
8 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.


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