Attacks On Self-Esteem

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Attacks On Self-Esteem

Not too long ago I started feeling the enemy attack my security. I would hear his lies telling me I'm not pretty. That I'm not valuable. He would compare me to others and try to make me envy, feel insecure, and be upset. During those times I would go to God in prayer, often crying, and each and everytime God reminded me of truth. He would encourage me and comfort me reminding me the power of my beauty is my heart and character that's rooted in my love for Him. Our bodies change. We get acne. We gain weight. We get sick. Insecurity seeks to fight us to believe we aren't good enough. The others are better. That God made a mistake. That our value is based on looks

But God always will remind us that what He looks at is the heart. A woman with the character of God is the most beautiful woman there is. The world recognizes this kind of beauty. This fleeting world only focuses on fleeting beauty. They don't esteem it like the kingdom of heaven does. But though to the world you might not be seen as gorgeous with that love for God you're nothing short of beautiful.

Proverbs 31:30
30 Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain,
    but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.


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