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Jisung knocked on the stone wall.

Felix jolted violently. Water splashed on the tiles.

He must have fallen asleep at some point.

The water was lukewarm by now.

'You look even shittier than before'

'You still don't have a face'

'Well, I don't think it will grow back anytime soon'

Jisung grinned.

Felix smiled back, weakly.

'Get out of that water before it turns cold. Or before you fall asleep again and accidentally drown yourself'

'You know' said Felix while letting water run though his fingers, 'that prospect seems almost more tempting than the alternative'

'Don't be so pathetic. Your alternative are some fresh featherly soft towels, something dry to wear and a huge bed that is waiting just for you'

Felix sighed.

'I don't have to share a bed with Minho?'

'No. He doesn't like sleeping next to anyone. And he has bad nightmares so you would regularly wake up from screams or when he starts hitting you'

'Poor boy' Felix said nonchalantly, his eyes falling close already.

'Stand up. Now, Felix'

It took him some work to climb out of the bath.

Jisung helped him to get off the sipping wet dress and wrap him up in towels.

They were actually pretty soft.

'Here, that's a night shirt we found. It should be enough for now, but for a dress you have to help us searching. None of us has any sense of fashion'

'I noticed', Felix commented dryly.

He looked at the white night shirt Jisung offered him. It had more similarities with a white potato sack than with something you could actually wear.

Felix decided he was too exhausted to care and put it on anyways.

'Looks great' Jisung said doubtfully.

'Shut up'

'I'll bring you to your room'

Felix wadded behind Jisung through the palace.

At some point it came him to mind that he should maybe remember the turns they were taking, so he could find his way back, but he gave up on it after a few steps.

He was getting a headache.

'Here it is', said Jisung and opened a tall door. 'We have lots of vacant rooms in this palace, so if you don't like that one we can find you something else'

Felix saw the huge bed crowded with pillows and found that he was quite alright with this room for now.

Wordlessly, he went into the room and let himself fall into the cushions.

'The room's key is here', Jisung showed him, then put it in the lock on the inside. 'So you can always lock the door. Everyone will knock before coming in'

Felix worked himself further up on the bed, turning to lay on his back.

The pillows and bedsheets were made from dark red silk.

He picked one pillow up to hold it over himself.

'This looks like a bed in a brothel or something'

Jisung chuckled.

'You'll get used to it'

'As long as I don't have to dance a striptease..'

'Are you bad at it?'

'No.' Felix let the pillow fall and lazily looked over to meet Jisung's gaze. 'I'm actually pretty good at it'

'Uhuuu' The skeleton waggled their nonexistent eyebrows.

Felix threw the pillow at them.

Jisung giggled.

'Hey, sleep as long as you need, okay? No one will disturb you.'

'Yeah, hopefully I'll wake up and this will all just be a bad dream'

The skeleton smiled sadly. They both knew that that wouldn't happen.

'Don't do that again, okay?'

'What? Throw a pillow at you?'

'Jump in a river and almost get yourself killed'

'I'm immortal'

'No one cares about that down here'

Felix's gaze dropped to his fingers. His eyes were falling close already.

'Did he really jump after me to save me?'

'Yeah he did. I couldn't follow you because the water of Styx turns skeletons into dust, so he went. He didn't even hesitate'

'Still... why?'

'Even if it's not voluntary, you're our guest. We will protect you. Also... I think he likes you'

The god didn't say anything at first. Then:

'I hate him'

'You have all right to'

'Could you please stop being so understanding? Just scream at me or bring me into your torture dungeon or back into my cell - that's much less confusing than this weird sympathy'

'We don't have a torture dungeon anymore'

'Oh, not anymore - good to know' Felix said ironically.

'You should sleep'

He closed his eyes. Jisung watched him a moment, then went next to him.

'Here, let me'

They pulled the blanket free and gently tucked Felix in.

Felix's eyebrows went almost up to his hairline.

'Thanks Mom'

'Shut up, kiddo'

'I'm really stuck here, am I?'

He tried not to let tears well in his eyes again, yet there was just so much he could do.

Jisung's expression was somewhat pained, in a gentle, caring way.

'Sleep, Felix, you're exhausted'



i love writing these comfort scenes


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