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Demeter was a fierce woman.

Strong, independent, confident in her spirit.

Her eyes were warm and light like honey in the sun.

Her dark skin was covered with lighter spots and blotches - and golden tattoos.

Her braids were long enough to touch the ground.

She was tall - taller than Felix, and taller than Minho, too - and beautifully curvy.

On first sight she wasn't similar to Felix at all. But they had the same warm bright smile.

She was intimidating. And she didn't cry. Not often, that is.

But as her only child - which she had long thought dead - suddenly stood before her, beautiful and living as ever, tears started rolling immediately.


Felix didn't hesitate a millisecond to run into her arms.

As soon as he was engulfed in her warm comfortable hug, all his feelings bubbled up, overflowing, exploding.

He was so happy to be here again.

The sun was shining, it was warm, the air smelled fantastic.

He was so heartbroken because he had fallen in love with Minho.

Sobs shook his whole body while he slowly collapsed into his mother's arms.

Demeter held him, tears streaming down her face as well.

'My sunshine. Felix, love. There, there. It's okay. My baby' Her hand combed through his blonde hair. She noticed some dried up flowers tangled in there.

'What did they do to you, my baby?'

She hugged her sobbing child closer.

'What did they do?'

Felix took a shaky breath and shook his head.

'Nothing, mom. I'm good'

'You're falling apart'

'I know'

'What did they do?'

Felix sighed. He didn't have anymore strength left to lie.

But he didn't want to tell her what had really happened, where he'd been. Not yet.

'Nothing, mom. I'm- I don't know'

She accepted that. For now.

Holding her child close, thanking all the gods that Felix was here again.

Nonethless, she did feel something inside her child.

'You have a broken heart, darling'

The blonde moved back from the hug to stare at his mother.

She chuckled warmly, her cheeks wet from tears.

'A mother knows some things'

'Do you know.. who?'

She shook her head.

'You'll tell me when you're ready'

'It doesn't matter now anyways. It doesn't have any future. Never had'

Demeter softly patted his hair - in a way that just a loving mother could do.

'Sweetheart, when you were gone for so long, I.. I asked Apollo to try to see the future for me - I asked wether you were alive, wether you'd ever come back'

'What'd he say?'

'He said that you'll come back. But just a part of you. The other part... is lost forever'

Felix swallowed.

It indeed felt as if his heart was torn in two.

One side for the upper world, for spring. The other for Minho.

'It's okay, darling'

Demeter had noticed the tears welling in her child's eyes once again.

She swiped a blonde strand out of the freckled face.

'I'm so unbelievably happy that you're here'

'I'm so happy to be back here, you have no idea. I'll be alright. I'll tell you everything later, okay?'

'Okay, Felix. A broken heart is always the best begin for a new story, my love, don't forget that'

Felix's gaze became hopeful at his mother's words.

He was thankful for everything that had happened, he had learned so much, had become so much more mature.

Maybe it was time to start a new episode of his life?

His heart throbbed as if it was dying.

His mother just smiled so warmly and nudged his shoulder.

'And now that you're here... let's do some magic'

And they did.

And the whole world bloomed.

And the gods celebrated.

And the mortals celebrated, too.

All of them exclaiming, spring is here again.

Spring is here again.



spring is here again | skz | minlix | greek mythology auWhere stories live. Discover now