Sounds like a plan

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It doesn't take too long to find Andrew's manager. She's in a rush so I don't really get to talk to her all that much but she takes the profile I brought. We get a brief tour of the place and Autumn and I have to head off in different directions. Autumn up towards all the tech gear and I'm left by the stage to set up somewhere out of the way. I'm all alone at the moment because Andrew left with Autumn so he could show her where to go.
I stand staring at the stage. It's huge, I don't know how they manage to stand up in front of large crowds. Even the thought of it terrifies me.
I sigh and set down my bag, opening it and pulling out my primary camera. I turn it on checking to make sure everything works. The familiar weight of the camera feels nice in my hands as I take a few random shots of the stage to get the focus into place.
Something feels out of place and it takes me a second to realise what it is. Normally I have my music on. I pull my phone out of my pocket, untangle the earphone cord and hit shuffle on my music.
Now that I have my music in I can tune out everything else and just focus on the camera. It's easier that way, less pressure.
I've probably been taking photos for about half an hour when someone taps on my shoulder.
"Christ!" I nearly almost jump from fright. I turn around and see a doubled over Andrew, laughing his ass off. "That's not funny! You scared the shit out of me!" I try and give him a stern glance but know I'm failing, it doesn't take long for me to be laughing along with him.
When we finally manage to calm down from laughing he shoots me a cocky grin. "See it was funny."
"Yes very funny Andrew, very funny indeed." The sarcasm is practically dripping from my tone, but he knows he's right. There's a bit of a silence but it's slightly awkwardly we both don't know what to say. I break the silence "So what did you need?" I absentmindedly mess with the camera in my hands.
"Ehm nothing much, I just wanted to see how you were getting along. Everyone is going out to get something to eat before the show. I was wondering if you and Autumn wanted to come." He honestly looks like an eager puppy as he asks, eyes wide and slightly awkward but sweet.
"Uh yeah, I just have to ask Autumn but I'm pretty sure she'll say yes, it is food after all."
"No need to ask I'm in." Autumn calls out walking next to someone as she approaches us. As the get closer I can tell that it's the bassist, Alex. I remember him from yesterday, and pictures.
I look back at Andrew. "I guess we are in then, when do we leave?"
"Ehmm..." He looks over at Alex who cuts in for him.
"We are going to leave right now actually, if you guys are ready. Everyone else is."
"I'm ready. What about you Aria?" Andrew looks at me expectantly.
"I just have to go put my camera away and then I'll be ready."
I walk off with Autumn to put my camera away as the boys keep talking. Once they are out of ear shot I turn to her. "So you and Alex? It's cute I ship it."
She immediately get flustered and blushes and I know I'm right, she likes him. "U-uh I wouldn't say that! H-he's nice and all but I don't think he like me like that."
I shoot her a glance as I put my camera in its case in a back room they gave me for my gear. "Bullshit. He likes you. Twenty bucks says he does. You're very sweet, extremely smart, and you're gorgeous, what's not to like?" I don't give her a chance to answer as I walk out back to where the guys were.
It doesn't take long for us to figure out where we are going and it's not very far away. Autumn recommended a small seaside restaurant and bar, which everyone agreed on.
Autumn rides with me but this time we have Mia and Rachel with us in the backseat. Everyone seems to get along fairly well. I'm quiet but there's constant chatter between the other three girls and I listen, occasionally putting in a comment.
Once we get to the small restaurant all the girls pile out and we wait for the rest of the group to park. I'm on my phone checking a message from Kaylee when I feel someone looking over my shoulder and I tense up only to find Andrew staring down at me.
He laughs. "Hi, it looks like everyone is here ready to go in?"
I look around and see that he's right. "Yeah." I put my phone away and he offers me his hand. I take it and we walk inside with everyone else.

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