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After the kiss we both are still embraced together, with my head leaned against his chest and our arms around each other. It's quiet but not awkward, neither of us really want to break the silence that holds that last bit of magic of a first kiss, of our first kiss. There's no fireworks or stars like some cliche movie but there's something more a warmth and passion that the movies don't tell you about, not lustful but loving it's something natural and pure.
However long we sit there whether it be mere seconds or long hours I'm not sure but Andrew finally speaks up. "Love, you're freezing and shivering you're going to get sick."
I just snuggle closer into his side, "I don't care." I mutter into his shirt. He laughs warmly.
"Well I do. Go take a shower the bathroom is through that door." He gestures to a door on the side of the room.
"But I don't have a change of clothes." I whine sulkily. I'm so comfy just cuddling like this, I don't feel cold at all so why should I get up.
"I'll get you something just go on and get warmed up." After about five minutes of my pointless arguing and complaining I'm walking towards the bathroom as Andrew leaves to get clothes from my room.
It's not until I step into the shower do I realise how cold I am as water which would normally be warm feels blistering hot against my icy skin. It burns a little which causes me to hiss initially but I adjust the water temps tyre from cooler to warmer gradually warming up.
By the time I'm warmed up and clean Andrew is back and a pair of clothes was slid underneath the door into the bathroom now steam filled from my shower.
Once I'm towelled off and  changes I slip back into the room where Andrew was and find him passed out on the bed holding his phone. The poor guy must be exhausted after the long day we've had.
I gently try and grab the phone without waking him up so I can plug it in to charge before heading back to my room but as I'm leaning over him he wakes up. "Hi." I whisper dumbly as he stares at me.
He rubs his eyes and then mutters to me half asleep "where are you going?"
"Back to my room." I whisper softly, honestly there's no real point in whispering but I do it nonetheless.
He frowns, his eyebrows furrowing, adorable with sleep still written across his features. "No it's too late you're staying with me." I just stare at him.
"Where? There's only one bed." A hint of sarcasm seeps through my whispering as I state the obvious.
"I know." He pulls me into the bed with him and pulls a blanket over the both of us. By the time I turn around to say something after getting over the shock he's already fast asleep. It's not long before I doze off too to the gentle rhythm of his heartbeat.

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