Its a mistake

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Getting ready for the party wasn't fun. The girls practically kidnapped me only allowing me in my hotel room to get my things. So it's now that I'm listening to chatter about one thing or another as I help the girls with their hair, this part I don't mind I love to help them get ready for parties I'm just not one to go myself. I'm not really paying attention to their talk only giving a nod here and there when needed.
As I'm helping curl Mias hair she asks "so when's the wedding Aria?"
I'm so shocked I burn my hand with the hot iron.
"Shit!" I put it down on the counter of the bathroom and turn on cold tap to run my hand under.
"Oh my god Aria are you alright?" Concern flows through her voice.
"Yeah I'm fine." After a few minutes of cold water running over the burn I go back to curling Mia's hair despite her protests. It's a small burn and not bad it just stings and it's barely noticeable.
"Anyways what did you mean by wedding? No one is getting married."
"I was just joking with you, you and Andrew are so close it seems obvious that you would get married."
I frown lightly my forehead creasing. Andrew and I never talked about marriage, not that we would but still. "Didn't Andrew say in an interview he didn't see himself marrying?"
"Well yeah but that was before he met you. You've both changed so much since you've been together." The girls mutter their agreement in the background focusing on eachothers nails.
"Maybe Mia, maybe."

Soon enough we are all ready, much to my dismay. Andrew and the boys already left so we are you giver by ourselves and meeting them there. The party isn't too far, within walking distance but because of the cold the girls (who were insane enough to wear dresses) decide a cab is better. I don't blame them but I'm comfy and warm in my jeans, sweater, and jacket.
Arriving at the loft it's being held at isn't any better, I can see the lights and hear the loud music as soon I step outside. We are greeted by some already intoxicated girls who are giggling in the doorway and I want to turn and run for it. The smell of alcohol grows stronger the farther in I follow the girls who are looking for the guys. It doesn't take long for the crowd to separate us and I'm squished between dancing bodies. I give up on any form of curtesy and just try and find a way out. The more I struggle to make my way through the thick group the more panicked I become. My breathing becomes heavy and laboured in the hot room and I feel dizzy with the flashing lights and loud music pounding in my ears. Finally I manage to find a door way, it leads out to the balcony but I don't mind, anything to get away from this.
I stumble out onto the landing and lean against the railing looking out over the city. I breathe in air which bites at my lungs and throat but I'm grateful. Everything here is so alive and fast paced, it's great for a little bit but I can't stand it at the same time. Nothing seems consistent. I look up at the sky as snow gently floats down from the grey clouds. It's beautiful but I can't stay out here forever, I make up my mind to find Andrew and just go back to the hotel. It was a mistake coming.
I take one last look around the night before stepping back into the crowded room packed with bodies.
Shoving my way through the crowd I manage to make it to other rooms finding them more quiet then the last with small groups talking here and there. No one really notices me so I'm able to skip around with ease until I finally find Andrew leaning against a counter. I smile but stop as some form of intuition tells me to wait. As I look closer I see he's talking to a tall blonde lady. She's breathtaking in her bright red dress and I feel inferior. She's the type of woman that makes anyone insecure. She hands him a beer delicately and they chat. Normally I don't care that Andrew talks to girls I mean it's unreasonable and I have no reason to doubt him. I'm about to approach them but she pulls him closer kissing him. It really was a mistake in coming here.

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