An offer

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The meal passes rather quickly, as a matter of fact the rest of the day does too being filled with preparation for the concert. Soon enough it's almost time for the concert to begin and I'm in front with other photographers.
I'm in the middle of a conversation with a rather nice photographer named Joseph talking about the newest editing techniques, when I feel someone staring at me, I can't see them as my back is turned but I can feel the intense gaze burning into my back. It feels comforting in a weird way. The feeling of being watched persists throughout the entire conversation.
Before Joseph walks away he hands me his number on a piece of paper, I slip the number into my pocket. Not that I plan on calling him, he's nice and he was flirting with me but he's not my type. I mean he's handsome enough average height, deep brown eyes, curly brown hair cut rather short, very clean shaven but also very cliché. I prefer my men taller, more Irish, gorgeous eyes, thoughtful, longer hair, and humble of course. Basically I want the one person I can't have, Andrew.
As time goes on I become more and more focused on the job at hand, by the time the concert starts I'm completely focused with my camera in hand. Of course the fact that a gorgeous subject makes it all the easier to focus. Once the concert ends I'm backstage looking through what I captured and am pretty pleased with myself. I have to admit that these are some great pictures, probably some of my best work. I'm going through everything with Andrew's manager and she's pleased as well, so pleased she tells me something that completely changes everything.
"Aria these are some amazing pictures, better than our last photographer who quit after the....accident, would you mind coming to work with us, permanently?" She waits for my response.
"I-I don't know. I mean I was just accepted into a college and this would be a huge commitment can I think about it and tell you tomorrow?" I frown thinking about the college, if I did this I would have to give up my scholarship, but this is such a huge opportunity.
"I'm sorry but I will need an answer today, how about I give you ten minutes while I go and check up on the rest of the group and then I'll come back for your answer."
"Alright." I watch her walk away. What am I going to do?

****Authors note: thank you to @Charlestoncain who commented and motivated me to update, I'll be trying to update more often****

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