Chapter 1: The Kidnapping

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A small cyan and red eyes girl walks around with her father in downtown Tokyo. He was holding a drawing of hers that he was going to frame as her mother had passed a few weeks before because of a fever. The girl looks at her father and smiles brightly, she looks to be about four years old.

"Yes Nora-San?" Her father said looking down at her smiling.

"When we get back can I play with the white and blue guy? He is so cool!!" Her voice filled with excitement and wonder.

"Of course you can my little Nora" her father replies then picking her up and carrying her the rest of the way to the store.

Shortly after they get the picture framed 'Nora' was taken out of her father's arms, and the culprits ran away as they were the Hashira of the time period. The father, now enraged swiftly follows after them trying to catch up to get his daughter back, but the sun is coming up which forces him to leave. Devastated he reaches his estate and enters.

"Are you alright Sir?" The white and blue man says bowing to the man who walked into the house.

"The sun is up and a group of Hashira have taken my daughter. How the FUCK DO YOU THINK I FEEL AKAZA?!" His rage clearly shows as is his pain and sadness. He takes the now framed photo out of the bag then discarding the bag he walks to his room and places it on his nightstand. He then walks into his daughter's room and breaks down. His tears fueled with anger and fury as he feels he failed as a father.

"Nakime." He says, his voice breaking.

"Yes sir?" The Biwe player says behind him.

"We need more people. Bring me Akaza, Kokushibo, and Douma."

"Yes sir" The Biwe player then strikes their Biwe and the three demons appear in front of the lead Demon.

"Yes sir?" The three demons say In unison.

"They Took My Nora.. " The lead Demon then turns to the three and looks at them his pain visible. "I have an Idea of where she will be. Kagaya Ubuyashiki has my Daughter.." he then looks at them with a look of fatherly look of determination as he then says "Fourteen years from now she will be a Hashira in their ranks. Nobody will know what she truly is. We can use that to get her back to us. Akaza, Kokushibo and Douma. Create more Demons. Make them your underlings and discard them if they are useless. Give me three new upper moons before the Fourteen years mark and you will be rewarded, handsomely. Got it?"

"Yes Sir." The three say in Unison.

"Good. Dismissed." And with that the three Upper moons went their separate ways to make their master happy, Kokushibo went north near the area of where the Final selection takes place, Douma went to the Entertainment district, and Akaza went to dojos across Japan to find someone worthy of sharing even a fraction of his power.

Y'all thought that was the end of the chapter?? Nahhhhh.

The Hashira carrying the terrified and crying girl in their arms then reach the Demon slayer Headquarters. The Maroon haired male places her down and bows before his master.

"We have brought you her master" the Maroon haired male says, his reddish purple eyes look up at his master as the other Hashira behind him look at the young girl in both awe and horror.

"Muzan's Daughter.. My late Wife's child.. thank you my children. You all may leave now. I have a child to take care of." The Hashira then leave leaving a small and terrified child alone with a man she never met.

"W-Wheres papa!!" The little girl cries out her tears falling onto the mats the sun rising above them making her look like a goddess where she sits.

"Come here my child" the man says, and the frightened girl slowly walks over to him and he picks her up, her lavender eyes look into hers and he smiles his cloud like voice soothing to the young girl as he looks at her. Her Cyan and Red eyes are now a little red from crying. The man then places a gentle hand on her cheek and wipes away her tears. "My Child, may I know your name?" He asked sweetly.

"A-Astral..." The young girl replies still shaken up from the events that just transpired.

"Astral, such a beautiful name for a beautiful young lady" The man says. "I am your Step father, I'm sorry for the way we had to meet dear. You weren't safe with your Papa.. he would've hurt you if we didn't take you"

"N- No.. My Papa wouldn't hurt me!! He loves me!! He'll come for me! You'll see!!" (Quite a vocal four year old 😂)

"I'm sorry darling but he won't be able to come and get you, those trees surrounding the area are Wisteria trees. They are poisonous to Demons, and your father is Muzan Kibutsuji, the leader of them. He won't be able to come here unless he had a death wish"

"N-..No.." the young girl then jumps out of her step father's arms and she goes to run, to go back to her father but she then feels a sharp pain on the back of her head as she then blacks out.

"Yorichii." The Man says, the Maroon haired male appears before the man.

"Yes Master?" Yorichii then says as he looks at the man as he picks up the young girl. "Please take care of her. I would like you to train her, she is feisty which is why I'm having you the sun pillar show her the way. I know your children will be happy to have a friend as well."

"I will take good care of her sir. On my honor as a Hashira." He says as he looks at his master, then he takes the young girl in his arms and the master waves him away dismissing him. Yorichii then goes back to his home on the mountain where it is almost fully dark out and his eldest son Tanjiro is helping make charcoal with his mother. A little sibling inside sleeping soundly. Yorichii then appears with the young girl in his arms and Tanjiro jumps up and smiles.

"Daddy!!" The young Tanjiro says while smiling hugging his father's leg.

"Welcome home my love" Tanjiros mother looks at Yorichii and cocks her head a little. "Who is this little one?" She asks calmly.

"This is the Masters Stepdaughter, I have been tasked with taking care of and training her... He never gave me a specific time frame as to when she will start going through training and when the training shall end.." he looks at his wife and smiles slightly. "She is Tanjiros age so I figured they could be friends."

"A new friend?" Tanjiro looks up at his father who then nods.

"She is resting now so you'll have to wait till later on to play okay bud?" Yorichii looks at his son and picks him up as well and walks, holding them both and brings them inside and lays them on a futon, covering them both up. "Goodnight Tanjiro, Goodnight little one, and goodnight Nezuko" he says kissing their foreheads before walking to his wife and kisses her forehead. "Love do we have a Sheer piece of cloth that the little one can have? I don't want them being scared of her eyes.." he looks at his wife who than nods and walks out of the room bringing back a black sheer cloth and hands it to Yorichii.

"Will this do?" She says, her dark lavender eyes looking right into his own purple ish red ones.

"It'll be perfect, thank you my love" Yorichii looks at his wife and kisses her forehead as he gently takes the sheer cloth from her and walks back to the room that the children are in and gently wakes up the young girl. "Hey little one, I need you to wake up for a few minutes alright?" He looks at the small girl as she wakes up, her Cyan and Red eyes look up at him almost piercing through the darkness. =Woah.. so that's why her eyes should be hidden.. she's a half breed..= he snaps out of his thoughts when the young girl sits up and taps him gently on the leg looking at him confused.

"Who are you Mister..?" She looks at Yorichii and seems a little confused as to where she was.

"My name is Yorichii, I will be taking care of you and training you. Are you alright with that little one?" He stops when she smiles a little.

"Astral" she says to him "My name is Astral Yorichii-san" she bows respectfully to him leaving the male shocked.

"Well Astral, I have to place this cloth over your eyes as to not scare the other children okay" Yorichii looks at the young girl who smiles brightly and nods showing it's alright with her.

End of Chapter One. 1535 words.

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