On October 31 1981, it was believed that mass murderer Sirius Black had betrayed James and Lily Potter and surrendered them to Lord Voldemort in order to help kill the baby boy with emerald eyes due to a prophecy stating that he would be Voldemort's...
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Sirius and Silvia had officially been on the run for a little over 2 months. For most of the time they had been out in the open, they had stayed in their animagus forms just in case anyone saw them, they had a higher risk of being sighted now due to the fact that the muggles were also aware of them and their 'crimes'. But there were the odd few days were they would turn back to their normal selves just to cuddle each other and comfort each other. Today was one of them days..
"Siri, do you think we will ever get our names cleared?" asked an exhausted Silvia as she ran her fingers through her husbands long, curly, greasy hair. They had no where to freshen themselves up, their bodies had been neglected for 12 years. Sirius looked at his wife in awe as he ran his fingers up her arm and placed a soft kiss upon her forehead.
"Yes darling, I think we will eventually; when the time is right" replied Sirius after a moment.
As the two layed in comfortable silence with Silvia's head resting upon Sirius's chest for what seemed like forever, Sirius could hear faint whimpers and sniffles on his chest.
"Silv?" He asked concerned.
Silvia turned her head away from him, not wanting him to see the state she as in right now. Sirius grabbed her jaw gently and turned her head to face him, her calm, onyx eyes piercing into his soft, grey ones. She immediately began to relax.
"What's wrong darling?" He asked in a soft voice. Anytime his wife cried it broke his heart, he heard her cry everyday for the first couple of months that they were in Azkaban, each time it made him shake and panic knowing he couldn't comfort and hold her in his arms, telling her how much he loved her. All he could do was watch and listen as her sobs echoed throughout the prison.
"Sirius..do you think Severus hates me?" she asked, her voice wobbly.
Sirius didn't know how to respond to that, it took him a moment before replying "He could never hate you silv, no matter what happens, I don't think that Severus Snape would ever hate his little sister no matter how hard he tried. Sure, he may be angry with you, but that's because he along with the rest of the world do not know the truth but trust me Silvia when the Ministry realise their mistake and they clear our names, you two will be back together again and he will hold you in his arms and will never want to let go"
Sirius began to panic because that only seemed to make her sob harder. 'Shit' he thought. Sirius sat up and lifted her onto his lap, wrapped his arms around her waist and whispered sweet nothings into her ear. "I love you.." she whispered.
"And I love you Silvia, for eternity" he replied. Silvia laughed at this which made Sirius smile, he had always loved her adorable, little laugh. They had a joke throughout their friendship group at school. When Silvia and him had met for the first time it was not as romantic and cute as you would think. You see, Sirius was with James, Remus and Peter calling Severus names, Silvia had seen them and had immediately had a go at them, mainly Sirius as he was leading this on.
But what no one knew was that Sirius Black had had a crush on the Snape sister for a long time, since they started Hogwarts, he had never seen her properly because she was always too busy in the library reading with her friends or in the Slytherin Common Room. "Who are you?" She had asked. Sirius stood up straight, bowed "Sirius Black at your service my lady" he said, bringing her hand to his lips. Whack! She had punched him right on the nose. James, Remus and Peter tried to hold their laughter, James failing miserably the most. James had bursted out into laughter as soon as Sirius had removed his hand from his face uncovering his now bloody, broken nose. Silvia grabbed Severus' hand and they walked off, "Nice punch Snape!" Shouted James from behind them. "Yep! Love you for eternity for that!" Shouted Sirius.
Sirius and Silvia included that in their vows at their wedding. Those were the good times. As they layed there staring up at the stars discussing what star looked like a dinosaur or what star looked like a diamond, there peace was interrupted. Obviously. Sirius and Silvia glanced at each other both immediately knowing what the other was thinking. 'Oh for fuck's sake'. Sirius transformed back into snuffles and Silvia transformed back into her crow form.
"Who goes there!?" Sirius and Silvia glanced at each other in surprise and happiness, both of them inwardly smirking. Moony. But they could not see him yet, and he could definitely not see them whether they were in their human forms or animal. So they ran and flew away..
A/n: little bit of a shorter chapter today, just thought some cute moments with Sirius and Silvia would be nice and...MOONY!!!! I will most likely be updating on weekends only! Have a lovely day/night ♥️ Remember please comment and vote as it inspires me massively.
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