On October 31 1981, it was believed that mass murderer Sirius Black had betrayed James and Lily Potter and surrendered them to Lord Voldemort in order to help kill the baby boy with emerald eyes due to a prophecy stating that he would be Voldemort's...
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a/n:not one of my fav chapters but yk, whatever
This was it, Silvia was officially alone until the next half-term when she could see her husband and best friend again. Although, she wasn't entirely alone, she had her godson and his friends to keep her company and prevent her from moping around whilst she missed Sirius. She also had her twin, Severus. But, it wasn't the same, she wanted her Sirius.
Silvia waved goodbye to the teenagers and her godson and she said she'd see them at Hogwarts. She had to go and find Severus as she promised him that she would sit with him in one of the Teachers' apartments like they used to when they were at Hogwarts themselves.
Too caught up in the mourning of missing her husband, Silvia failed to notice the amused look the Potions Master was giving her at the other end of the carriage. Sensing someone was watching her, she looked up and immediately a bright smile was etched onto her face.
Not caring about other students watching her, she ran straight into Severus's arms. Severus merely rolled his eyes at his sister's childish antics as the two entered one of the empty carriages and sat down. Students wouldn't dare say anything in the presence of the Potions Master.
"I'm not going to lie, Sevy, I'm a bit upset that you didn't come and visit us this summer like you said you would." she said.
Severus sighed, "I did not think that Black would want me around"
Silvia gave him a are-you-serious look, "I couldn't give a toss what my husband thinks Sev, you're my brother and that means Sirius has no say in who I speak to. And since when did you give a shite about what he thinks?"
A small smile tugged at the Potions Master's lips but it disappeared almost as quick as it appeared. Severus had really missed his sister's careless, amusing attitude.
"Well, you're with me now, are you not?" he questioned, smirking.
Silvia rolled her eyes and gave her brother another hug, as much as she hates to admit it, she had really missed her brother. All those years in Azkaban had taken a massive toll on her, not just physically, but mentally as well.
She constantly had nightmares about all sorts of things, the main ones were of her childhood and growing up with their abusive, muggle father. He was a massive alcoholic and could be angered extremely quickly by the smallest things.
Her most recent nightmare was last night, she had a nightmare about the time she had accidently dropped a plate and it had smashed into pieces onto the floor. Her father beat her mercilessly for it and if her brother hadn't come home from visiting Lily early then she probably would have died that day from how angry her father was.
Her mind drifted back to that day,
"Please, Father!" cried a terrified, young fourteen-year-old Silvia Snape, "I didn't mean to drop it, I swear! It just slipped out of my hands!"