Chapter Twenty-Three

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The group of teens and adults made their way through the crowd as they made they way to their seats, Harry spoke curiously, "Dobby?"

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The group of teens and adults made their way through the crowd as they made they way to their seats, Harry spoke curiously, "Dobby?"

Silvia glanced over at him as her husband and best friend made their way up the stairs, 'A house-elf' she thought.

The tiny creature looked up at Harry as it squeaked, "Did sir just call me Dobby?"

Its voice was extremely high pitched, Silvia swore she had seen that elf before but she couldn't put her finger on it where. Harry apologised to the elf, "Sorry, I just thought you were someone I knew."

"But I knows Dobby too, sir!" It squeaked, she shielded her face with her hands as if she was being blinded by light. She spoke again, "My name is Winky, sir. And you sir are Harry Potter!?" She gaped at the lightening scar that was embedded on his forehead.

Silvia smiled adoringly at the pair. It reminded her of when she was at Hogwarts and her and her boys befriended the kitchen elves due to them sneaking into the kitchen on a daily basis via tickling the pear which was on one of the portraits.

"Yeah, I am" replied Harry.

"But Dobby talks of you all the time, sir!" She said lowering her hands staring in awe at the boy.

Harry frowned, "How is he? How's freedom suiting him?"

"Ah sir" said Winky, shaking her head. "ah sir, meaning no disrespect, sir, but I is not sure you did Dobby a favour, sir, when you is setting him free."

Harry looked taken back as it was Silvia's turn to frown, why would Harry setting this elf called Dobby free not be a favour?

"Why?" Asked Harry, "What's wrong with him?"

Winky replied sadly, "Freedom is going to Dobby's head, sir. Ideas about his station, sir. Can't get another position, sir."

"Why not?" said Harry.

Winky lowered her voice as she spoke, "He is wanting paying for his work, sir."

"Paying?" Harry asked blankly. "Well, why shouldn't he be payed?"

Winky looked incredibly horrified by the idea of being payed as she closed her eyes slightly, "House-elves is not paid, sir!"

She continued, "No, no, no. I says to Dobby, I says, go find yourself a nice family and settle down, Dobby. He is getting up to all sorts of high junks, sir, what is unbecoming to a house-elf. You goes racketing around like this Dobby, I says and the next thing I hear you's up in front of the department for the regulation and control of magical creatures, like some common goblin."

'Well," thought Silvia, 'that was certainly a statement.'

Silvia laughed out loud, Winky and Harry turned to look at her. The others had also stopped to watch the conversation between Harry and the house-elf. Winky's eyes widened in surprise as spoke to Silvia, "Winky recognises Mrs Black,"

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