On October 31 1981, it was believed that mass murderer Sirius Black had betrayed James and Lily Potter and surrendered them to Lord Voldemort in order to help kill the baby boy with emerald eyes due to a prophecy stating that he would be Voldemort's...
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A/n:thank you for 200 reads!
Peter stood there, his hands covering his face as he quivered. He began to speak as Remus and Silvia held their wands up at him, "S-Silvia..Remus...S-Sirius..my old friends!"
He made a bolt for the door but Remus and Sirius caught him, pushing him back. He looked dead at Harry, "Harry! Look at you..you look so much like your father, like James. We were the best of friends-"
"How DARE you speak to Harry!" Snarled Sirius, pulling Peter away from him. Peter ran around the piano, scared of Sirius as Sirius continued on, "How dare you talk about James infront of him!"
Remus held his wand infront of Peter's face as he spoke, "You sold James and Lily to Voldemort!" Didn't you!?"
Peter grimanced, clearly being affected by his Master's name.
"What? Scared to hear your master's name! You've been kissing his arse for years so I don't see any reason to be scared!" spat Silvia as she pointed her wand at him.
Peter spoke again, "I didn't mean to! The Dark Lord, you have no idea the weapons he possesses! Ask yourselves, Sirius and Silvia! What would you have done?"
Peter repeated, "What would you have done?"
"We would have DIED!" Shouted Sirius
Silvia spoke her husband's sentence for him, "DIED RATHER THAN BETRAY OUR FRIENDS!"
Peter made a run for the door again, luckily, Harry stood in its way before he could escape. Peter clung to Harry as he spoke in his ear, "Harry, James wouldn't have wanted me killed! Your dad would have spared me! He would show me mercy- AHHH"
Silvia, Remus and Sirius all pulled him away from Harry and pushed him to the floor. Silvia punched him square in the nose. Peter doubled over in pain, holding his nose.
Harry watched the scene unfold before him, Remus had his wand, Silvia had her brother's and Sirius had Harry's. Remus commented, "You should have realised Peter, that if Voldemort didn't kill you then we would!"
"Together!" The older trio said in sync.
"No!" Shouted Harry.
"Harry.." Remus started turning to him, "this man-"
"I know what he is" said Harry cutting Remus off, "but we'll take him to the castle." Peter got down on his knees thanking him trying to reach out to him."Bless you, boy. Bless you!"
Harry glared at the man stepping back, "Get off!" Harry continued on with what he was saying previously, "I said we'd take you to the castle. After that, the dementors can have you."
Peter quivered in fear. Silvia looked at Harry with a proud expression, as did Sirius. 'James would be so proud of him' she thought, a small smile appearing. Remus casted expelliarmus on Peter, the same as what Harry had done to Snape and tied him up.