Chapter 2 - Training Arc

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As Neo and Tien are dumped on the ground unconscious still from the fight with the ancestors and Tien is in shocked at what just transpired in the previous battle battle. While Zaria is taken to the conduits hideout by Anuke. She was thrown at the feet of Babí. When Babì looked at Zaria he couldn't help but laugh at the her while simply eating his apple on his throne. As the country of Memphis is under his reign Zaria looks around and doesn't really think much of Babi even go as far as laughing at him

Babi: No what you were expecting?

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Babi: No what you were expecting?

Zaria: You look like a man.

Babi: Yes well looks can be deceiving. But yes the same blood that run through your veins, runs through mines.

Zaria: Yeah well ,that mean you'll be easier to kill!

Zaria dashes towards Babi but his nothing but his throne. Zaria is then tapped on the back of the head. She is then brought to her knees with the amount of atmospheric pressure. She is shocked at the amount of power displayed in just one showing.

Babi: Hmm you are weak! But, with time and training you will make a fine warrior. I bet you are wondering why you are here?

Zaria: What makes you think I want to know?

Babi: Because I can make you into a fine warriors. You just have to comply. Fight alongside us, or die with the rest of your friends.

Zaria: *enraged* Fuck you! I won't join you and if you touch anyone of my friends or family, I'll kill you!

Babi: Give me your best then.

Zaria charges up her attack to maximum power and goes toward Babi, she swing her sword towards . The impact nearly enough to decapitated anyone. But, Babi still stand stands. Babi in fact takes off his robe exposing his chest and dares Zaria to strike him again.

Zaria: the hell?

Babi: I said give me your best shot, but this time; I'll won't move a muscle.

Zaria: Bastard!

Zaria dashes at Babi at high speed and swing her sword which slices the headquarter in half. And yet Babi, still stands. Zaria is shellshocked. It's not Babi that is dealt the damage of the swing, but herself, she feels the impact in her chest and cries in agony as she falls down to the ground.

Anuke: well that was disappointing.

Anuke walks over to Zaria, and ask her one final time

Anuke: Are you with us or not? Lord Babi is patient but I am not, so what's it going to be? Do you want your family to die? Or fight alongside of us and live to see them again. I will NOT asked you again.

Zaria: What do you want.

Anuke: *chuckles* A New world order!

Zaria: What?

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