Chapter 6 - Healing Old Wounds

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As the battle raged on, a new figure emerged from the shadows. It was Father, his presence commanding, his eyes filled with a mix of determination and concern. He witnessed Babi, his foot poised to strike Zaria, and his anger ignited like a flame.

Father stepped forward, his voice firm and unwavering. "Babi," he greeted with a tone laced with both respect and disdain. "We meet again, under these dire circumstances."

Babi, the embodiment of arrogance and ambition, smirked in response. "Ah, Father," he said mockingly. "Always the righteous one, aren't you? But I see your concern for your son. Don't worry, I'm almost done charging up the collider. The Conduit gods will soon grace us with their presence."

Father's eyes narrowed, his voice cutting through the chaos of battle. "And at what cost, Babi? My son, Neo, is trapped in that chamber, his life hanging in the balance. Are you willing to sacrifice him for your power-hungry desires?"

Babi chuckled darkly, his arrogance palpable. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, Father. Neo's sacrifice is necessary for the greater good, for the ascension of Navi."

Anger surged through Father's veins, his fists clenching in frustration. "You dare speak of sacrifice and the greater good? You have lost sight of what truly matters. My son's life is not a bargaining chip for your ambitions. The only one who is allowed to kill them is me, and I refuse to let you rule while I follow!"

The air crackled with tension as the words hung in the air, echoing with defiance and resolve.

Father dashes towards Babi.

[Father vs Babi]

Father and Babi clinches and punches each other colliding fist causing a shockwaves of an impact that blow Zaria away. Father and Babi goes into the outer part of space and the two engage in brawl that shakes the entire solar system. Punch for punch, blow for blown, headbutt after headbutt. The two conduits let lose their powers and Babi is have the time of his life finally finding a fighter worthy of pushing him to the limit that tanscends time itself. Father and Babi break their fist for how hard they punches each other and so, they stopped the onslaught of attacks and pops back their bones I other hands and get ready for round 2 of combat. Father smiles and the two dashes towards each other and collides heads makes each other gain a concussion and skull cracks. When the two gathers themselves, Babi is about time to leap but Father predict his movement and punches Babi in the face. Babi couldn't believe the turn of events and so he ask Father how.

Babi: How did you do that? In fact, I thought it was your Son who sealed your power.

Father: I'm surprised you actually thought my power can be suppressed by a child. *hahaha*

Babi: Very well, theses seems to be no reason for me to not go all out.

Father: Time to end all of this nonsense.

Father face begins to crack and his ultimate power of dark force reveals itself. His entire body is engulfed in darkness and he stands in ready for the upcoming battle with Babi.

Father and Babi both clashes and shatters the dimension of Navi and changes the entire planet's dynamic. The two clinch and begins to try to one up each other with sheer willpower. Babi tries to time leap but Father power transcends time itself and he being to unleash a powerful attack of punches on Babi. Father then begins to get overly confident in himself and issue a sudden challenge to Babi.

Father: Here's the deal. If you can land a single hit on me I will off myself and yo will be the victor.

Babi is ticked off and begins to time leap and throws over a thousands punch toward Father but does not connect a single time. Father then says "You don't have enough power to kill me". Father then punches a whoel through Babi's chest and then puck him into 100 pieces, slicing his body up and then Father puts both of his hand together and then blasts Babi into pieces. While the fighting was going on Zaria goes to retrieve Neo/Son from the chamber and he does not move, stuck into a coma as Zaria tired to wake him up. She repeatedly apologizes to Neo and Tien returns as they sit there, not knowing the portal opens for a split second allow three small particles to escape from the machine. Zaria grabs her sword and throw it towards the controls of the portal, but it too late. Zaria face turn scared as she senses what about to happen. Father stomp in the remainder of Babi's body and the he then looks up because he realizes a large scale attack as about to take place, Father dashes to safety. Zaria, grabs Tien and Neo and begins to run. All of sudden a huge beam of light explodes over the planet of Navi.

The sky begins to crack and galactic being appears from the skies. The Conduit deities (three in all) reveals themselves and Split half of Navi in an instant. Trillions of people lose their lives swiftly. Zaria and Tien looks up and realized the inevitable has taken place. The entire landscape of the one indestructible planet is now split in two.

What is the resolution of these sudden turn of events?

What is the resolution of these sudden turn of events?

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[Book 2 ends] 

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