V3 | 1.0: A Normal Day

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So, it's been like a week, I think.

Now that I realize, I update this thing every few days to a week.

So I guess that's the update schedule.

This chapter was originally supposed to be longer, but I got a bit bored and it's like 12:00 PM and I've got some things to do tomorrow.

And I know I make broken promises, but trust me, the next part will be out tomorrow.

I've also added a little bit more detail for those wanting a better story, I just wanna make it known that I'm holding back on how much detail I use, and the only reason being is that I write these chapters on phone and find it a bit difficult to keep up with rather than a computer(what I'm used to) so until I get a new one, detail wont be as good as I can actually accomplish.




I opened my eyes slowly, sunlight pierced into my vision the moment I did. I inhaled slowly, prepping myself for another day.. After letting out a deep sigh, I shifted upwards and ruffled my messy hair.

I glanced around. My room has been cleaned again.. Those cherubs have no chill.. Ever since I got shot by Striker, everyone's been so sympathetic to me. It's sorta annoying.

The other day I got some chocolate from Loona, I barely speak to her. But, I'm glad, and I've gained even more of Millies' respect. As anyone would after waking up from the most normal nap ever, I stared at nothingness for about 30 seconds straight.

Planning out my entire morning routine without thinking it. I stood up, looking to my bedstand and grabbing the glass of water they placed for me. 

 I walked over to my door, twisting and opening the knob. As I passed through, I witnessed the cherubs, especially Collin cleaning up the living room. 

Cletus: "C'mon guys, we gotta have it done before he wakes up so he could be proud of us!"

Keenie: "I'm trying, damn it! Collin, where's the vacuum cleaner?!"

Collin: "H-hold on, it's hard to move-"

I watched as Collin struggled to move the vacuum. I sighed with pity, walking to him. I took his hand and put it to the handle, and with my strength he managed to move it.

I turned and smiled at him, letting out a little nod and then looked to Cletus and Keenie. 

Keenie: "Oh! Uh, Y/N.. Heeeyyy.."

Cletus: "We didn't know you'd be up so early!"

Y/N: "It's 7:30."

Keenie: "T-thats besides the point! We were.. Trying to clean."

Y/N: "I see, and I'm proud."

I approached them, and for some reason, Colin flew onto my arm, hugging it. Keenie seemed jealous so I patted her hair and ruffled it.

Cletus laid atop my hair, he seemed comfortable, and to be honest, the Cherubs weighed close to nothing. I.E, I didn't care.

Y/N: "Anyways guys, you don't need to do this.. I'll be fine."

Collin: "We know.. But, your body still needs rest so it can get all it's energy back!"

Y/N: "I'm a tough person, I can take it."

Keenie: "That's what she said."

Y/N: "What the fu-"

Keenie: "Don't question it."

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