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"Okay! So for today, all of you are gonna compose songs. Pass it later before you go home. Late papers are not to be accepted. Arasseo?" Your teacher Nam Ju-Hyuck said. (a/n: ohmy. fangirl feels! hahaha. i'm sorry for interrupting XD)

"Ara."all of you answered chorusly.

And since the next period will be free time because your teacher Song Jae Rim is sick. (a/n: i will take care of my jagiya~ ^^v haha) all of you will compose songs individually.

You took your pen and your notebook as you started thinking of a concept.

Hmmm. Nature is not bad. Family is good too. Friends can also be. Well, I don't know what concept will I use.

You looked at your friend slash crush Namjoon who is currently writing continuously. And you smiled as you fantasize him.

His eyes, His Nose, His Lips, His Body, His Sexy Brain, and his Talent~ I love all of them.

Namjoon stopped for a while and looked at you. Because of shock, you looked away immediately and pretended that you are writing even though you're not.

Calm yourself Y/N. Don't mind him~ Concentrate~ Inhale. Exhale.

Your eyes widen when you saw Namjoon in front of you.

"Are you having a hard time composing?" He asked.

"Uhh.. Kinda." You answered.

"Well, I need to go to a quiet place so that I can concentrate. Will you come with me?" He asked.

"S-Sure. Why not." You said as you stood up and followed him. And as you can see, he will be heading to the school garden.

And you're right. The two of you headed to the Garden and when the both of you reached the place. He searched a bench for the two of you. And after that, the two of you sitted as he looked at you.

"I think you can compose here now. Because it's quiet and peaceful. You can concentrate more." He said as he smiled. You nodded in response and he continued composing.

Nothing came up to your mind and you just stared at him who is busy in rhyming.

Minutes passed but nothing popped out from your mind, you just stared at Namjoon and appreciated his facial features then his skills for Music.

You got shocked Again when he suddenly looked at you.

"Y/N. Why are you staring at me?" he asked.

"I-I'm not. I'm just having a hard time composing." You said.

He smiled as he showed you his work. The page of his notebook is full and it seems like it's just a piece of cake.

"Just let your heart speak. Then after that start rhyming." he said.

"May I see your work?" You asked.

He nodded as he handed you his work.

'You're my Miss Right, Miss Right

If I lose you, it's a miss, right? Miss Right? (All Right)

You're my Miss Right, Miss Right

Girl you want my kiss, right? Miss Right (All Right)

Your sexy mind and your sexy body

You were even born with sexy brain wrinkles

Just in jeans, a white tee and converse high tops

That makes me wanna party on your body

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