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It was a seemingly normal day in the Hidden Leaf Village. The birds were chirping, the sun was shining, and the villagers were going about their business.

But in training ground 6 the sounds of flesh hitting wood could be heard. In the training ground a blonde boy with a scar over his right eye wearing an orange jacket with two stripes down the arms and a red spiral on the back, a light chain mail shirt,

orange pants with a black kunai and shuriken holster on his right leg, black and orange hand wraps, and black ninja sandals.

This was Naruto Uzumaki the jailer of the nine-tailed fox although that fact was unknown to him. You may ask why Naruto was in the training ground.

Well today was the graduation from the ninja academy. Naruto was a boy who had faced many hardships such as the cruelty of the villagers of the place they called home.

The villagers would often try and beat the young boy and those beatings only got worse on the anniversary of the Nine-tails attack which claimed the lives of many.

That day coincidentally was Naruto's birthday. Naruto often thought about how after a very bad attack he hadn't been able to see out of his left eye for three days.

Naruto had also been nearly completely isolated from the village. Most shop owners would throw him out of their shops after calling him a demon, a monster, or the one that puzzled even Naruto as smart as he was "fox brat".

Naruto's own instructors at the academy had tried to sabotage Naruto's education by teaching him faulty techniques or casting genjutsu on his assignments.

This had backfired as after the second time Naruto looked into genjutsu breaking techniques and that had spiraled into him learning more and more. Naruto had even figured out he was a natural at sealing.

Despite this Naruto had persevered and become the second top student only beaten out by the last loyal Uchiha. Naruto had even made his own fighting styles which was very effective, a suprise considering no one wanted to teach him anything.

But despite everything, Naruto had failed the graduation because couldn't make a basic clone. What's worse was that it had been the one instructor Naruto actually got along with, Iruka Umino.

Naruto knew Iruka held no malicious intent towards him, even if he didn't know how, and that Iruka just wanted Naruto to be ready.

Naruto had figured out years ago that he had to much chakra to do the clone no matter how many chakra exercises he did but when he tried to explain but Iruka wouldn't have it.

When Naruto walked out calmly but he was greeted by the smug smile of the Uchiha bitch.

So here we were, an hour after Naruto had failed and his hands were getting progressively bloodied when he felt a presence approaching from behind.

Naruto quickly reached into his kunai pouch and turned around only to see a man with white hair wearing the basic chunin uniform of the leaf stood behind him.

"Hiroya. I must ask what you are doing here?" Naruto said calmly as he put away his kunai.

"Well I saw how upset you are and thought I'd offer you a make up test. But this one is different than the regular one." Mizuki said smiling.

Naruto felt that Mizuki was lying but when he thought of the angry look Satsuki would make when he saw he passed he, against his better judgment, decided to go along with this.

"What's the objective?" Naruto asked his instructor. Mizuki smirked at how easy it was to dupe the demon.

"You need to steal the scroll of seals and learn a jutsu from it. There's a shack west of the Hokage residence. Go there after you grab the scroll." Naruto nodded before making tiger seal and disappearing in a blur

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