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Kakashi awoke staring at a ceiling. 'I have over did it with my sharingan.' Kakashi thought as he sat up. In walked a woman with black hair a pink shirt and blue skirt entered the room.

"Oh, you're awake." The woman said. "Yes. Not to be rude but who are you and where am I?" Kakashi asked. "My name is Tsunami and your genin team was assigned to protect my father." Tsunami said.

As she said that Naruto, Hinata, and Satsuki walked into the room. "Hatake you're awake." Naruto said not bothering to stop reading his book.

"Y-you probably sh-shouldn't use your sharingan if it puts that much s-strain on you." Hinata said worried about her sensei's health. Kakashi just sighed.

"Well he took out on if the strongest assassins so we should be fine for a while." Tazuna said.

"I'm not so sure of that." Satsuki said. "Uchiha is right. I sensed so much fear and worry from the tracker ninja. In fact I think the tracker was with Zabuza." Naruto said still not bothering to stop reading.

"I agree. I know why but I want to know your reasoning, Naruto." Kakashi said as a bit of a test as to how much Naruto really knows.

Naruto sighed. "Mist trackers are supposed to destroy the body on the spot, not take it away. The senbon don't make any sense if you wish to kill.

A kunai would suit much better but if you wanted to hit, say, a pressure point to put someone in a death like state a senbon is perfect.

Combine that with the information from my spy network of clones it falls into place. One of my clones was in the land of steam and overhead that Zabuza had taken a job there.

Zabuza was reported to be spotted with the Demon Brothers and a teen wearing an outfit similar to what the tracker was wearing." Naruto said. Kakashi, Tazuna, and Tsunami were taken aback by what they had just heard.

"Hold on, you sent shadow clones just into the world to spy?" Kakashi asked. "Yes, but it's mostly to catalog ninja. I have clones in every major hidden village, most minor hidden villages, and a lot in smaller nations." Naruto admitted.

'I'm going to need to talk to the Hokage about this.' Kakashi thought. "I will say though I am looking forward to facing Zabuza again. I've wanted to study that blade of his for quite some time." Naruto said still with no emotion.

'First time he's admitted to looking forward to anything. Sensei, your son is just as unique as you were.' Kakashi thought as Naruto sensed more happiness from Kakashi.

"Hatake is very weird." Naruto whispered. "Well then, Naruto I'll train Hinata and Satsuki and you do...whatever it is you do." Kakashi thought.

"Even without them training everything will turn out fine." Naruto said. "No it won't!" A voice from the doorway. "Who's the kid?" Satsuki asked.

"Inari, where have you been?!" Tazuna yelled. Inari turned his head and smiled as he ran towards his grandfather. "Welcome back grandpa!" Inari yelled as he hugged Tazuna.

"Inari, that was very rude. These ninja helped your grandfather and brought him back safely." Tsunami scolded.

"Mom don't you see these people are gonna die! Gato and his men will find them and wipe them out. Satsuki felt a wound to her pride. "Gato doesn't stand a chance against an Uchiha." Satsuki said.

Naruto sighed at Satsuki's overconfidence.

"Inari was it? M-ind telling w-hy you think t-that?" Hinata asked.

"Because you guys are acting like there's such a thing as heroes. Your head is full of stupid ideas." Inari yelled.

Naruto had enough and slammed his book shut. "You're right, heroes don't exist. But what exists in their stead is people willing to do things others won't. Now I don't know why you think like you do put don't lecture us with it." Naruto said.

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