Chapter 4: The weight of it all

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TW⚠️// Mentions of blood, but it's blink and you'll miss it//Wet Willies.//

Power reassures them that their president won't be as hostile as they're expecting, but they are well aware of his reputation - cold and calculating, Aki Hayakawa refuses to engage in anything unless he is to gain something from it. Niko had never begged for assistance from any of their Three Sister schools before, and therefore, struggled to understand her current emotions.

She's grateful that their school doesn't have to give up their participation in this year's festival, but at the same time, Niko feels humiliated. This is the first time their school has ever had to ask anything from these snobs, and it's not the best feeling. She preferred when she didn't have to see things from a beggar's perspective. She was able to assess the situation and create a plan that would secure their win, but now with control out of her hands, Niko feels the weight of their circumstances.

The door opens silently, but the sound echoes through Niko's mind as if it were at full volume. She turns her gaze towards him, and her heart skips a beat. Their eyes lock, and a chill runs down her spine, like staring into the eyes of a shark. Niko resolves to keep her head down, not daring to upset him and risk their current situation going south.

She feels his presence as he walks past her and her brother, and she inhales the scent of his cologne that wafts lazily in his trail - earthy and refreshing, yet still with a regal quality. The aroma does nothing to hide the reluctance in his stride.

Aki looks almost nervous to be in the room with them, unlike the cold-shouldered Junpei president they've known for the past two years. She feels a certain thrill at the thought that they might not be the only ones desperate. However, as soon as he sits down, his demeanor changes. He no longer looks like he would rather be elsewhere. He keeps his chin lifted and his back ramrod straight. He clears his throat once, twice.

"I'm glad you reach out to us," he says formally, she notices his pinky finger curling into his palm. "we were starting to think you don't want to participate this year."

Niko shares a look with Ren. She has to suppress an eye roll, and she knows her brother is struggling with the same thing. Of course, this jerk didn't listen to a thing Power told him.

"Yes... well, we've brought you the updated version of the budget and our previous records--"

Aki holds up his hand, "I don't need those. Just the updated budget will be fine." He flips through the pages back-to-back without reading them. "Power has debriefed me already so you don't need to. I already know the gist of it. Your accounting department made an error in your budget report that could cost your school's participation in the festival, am I correct?"

Niko replies without enthusiasm, earning a slightly annoyed look from Aki, "Ding-ding! We're already aware of our situation, Mr President. We just want an answer from you and your board."

She is starting to understand what Principal Choi meant. This really does make them sound pathetic. The other schools constantly look at them with such repugnance and detestation merely for a reputation that does not meet up to their standards and it's more than a little belittling. If only she could change that.

Ren nods beside her and adds, "The festival is in a month, man, and time is moving fast. We just want to know if you can include us in this year's fundraiser or not."

For a few moments, Aki regards them, multiplying the tension in the room tenfold. Although his face betrays nothing, she can still see the gears in his head turning. Niko focuses on the slow-moving beam of light spilling onto the table in an attempt to calm her frayed nerves.

This is it, this is the moment that will shape the rest of their year. So many kids are depending on them bagging this deal and the weight of it all grows heavy with each day they don't have a concrete solution.

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