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Aiykam: Unity in Sanskrit

Angavastra: Shoulder cloth worn usually by men in India, especially in Maharashtra and South India, and may have decorated borders.

Arali: Malayalam name for the plant Nerium Oleander or Oleander.

Astra: Weapon

Ayuralaya: the clinic of traditional Hindu system of medicine

Kudremukh: This place rich in iron ores and is of historical importance.

Lord Yamaraj: God of Death and Justice

Mysore: Land of Mahishasura

Silambam: Art of bamboo fighting

Urumi: A sword with extremely long blade, very difficult to master

Varma adi: Traditional art of vital points

Yojana: 14.63 km according to Vishnu Purana (usually it varies from 12-15 km)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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