Chapter 7. Revenge

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Amravathi, Devloka...

For the next three weeks, Amravathi was busier than it had ever been. Their new Queen, Mahishi, had given the choice to commoners that they could stay in Devloka or leave the empire. Many left, citing that Asuras and Devas can't stay together in harmony. Rest of them stayed, thinking that their King Indra would win back the kingdom soon.

Mahishi was seated on the throne that her brother was able to sit on for a few months. Honestly, she didn't like the way the whole palace was designed. The walls were mostly blue with intricate white motifs. She missed her red courtroom in Mysore. She took a look around the ten important ministers who were seated, waiting for her decision.

As Asura soldier walked in, "Your Highness, Asura King Dahan's soldier is here with a proposal. He seeks your permission to enter the court."

In her mind, she beamed with happiness. This was the moment I had been waiting for for the past three weeks.

The messenger walked in before Mahishi had given her approval. Hah! The audacity of this person! Anyways, I don't have to make up any excuses to make him wait. "How dare you walk in before I gave my permission? Is this how your King Dahan sends his messenger?"

"Apologies, I thought the court had no dealings so I walked in -"

She cut him. "Leave the court"

"Huh? Are you serious?"

"I know neither you nor your King respect me. That's fine, I don't have time to deal with it. Yet you dared to interrupt the court proceedings! Leave the court."

She waited until the messenger slowly walked out. Vaayakaal sighed, "Your Highness, I know that King Dahan had humiliated both my disciples. You should have at least listened to what message he had."

"Guruji, I didn't humiliate him back. I am just making sure he knows how to respect people."

"My child, what will be the difference between him and us if we do similar things?"

"I am sure you will agree with me that sometimes a person needs to taste their own medicine. I will make sure he will taste the most bitter medicine for humiliating my brother and me."

In order to change the topic, Minister Mitrah stood up. "Your Highness, you were about to announce your decision regarding these Asura women."

She smiled. "Minister Mitrah, please bring the husbands of these wives."

Her eyes again fell upon the women in front of her. Their hands were bruised and one had a scar on her face. These women were working in the palace as maids when Mahishi saw their bruises. She had seen them occasionally covered in bruises in her previous palace. Then she didn't know they weren't slipping accidentally. Yesterday she overheard their conversation on abuse and urged them to bring this up in the court.

The husbands of the women walked in, their heads held high.

"Let's hear the complaints again, shall we? Minister Mitrah, please bear with me for sometime."

The minister nodded. Her Majesty is doing it again, she is toying with these men.

"I have already mentioned that if it's a complaint against the Asura Vivah tradition then I can't help with it. But you said it was different."

Ruma, one of the victims spoke, "Your Highness, we are here to speak about our husband's ill treatment against us. We cannot speak what we wish for. If we try to speak, we're beaten by them."

"Oh my! You all were treated worse than the horses in our stable," she remarked. "Why do you do that?"

One of the husbands replied, "Forgive me, Your Highness, please don't take it the wrong way. We think you shouldn't interfere in our family matters."

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