Ahkmenrah's Pov I'm Gonna Lose Her, Kelsey's Pov I'm Gonna Lose Him

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Ahkmenrah's Pov

I saw her on the ground with a small pool of blood near her, Emmett gave me a cloth and I put it on her wound to keep pressure on it. She howled an earsplitting howl and at first I thought she was in pain but, she was signaling the pack, she started speaking to one of them in mind then she spoke out loud. "Go and find Alice, Carlisle, and Jacob, I'm counting on you Seth. Reneesme show what I showed you to your parents and get them over here." The little kid nodded and left with the wolf that I think she called Seth, a big black wolf came up to Kelsey and stood by her, along with a gray wolf that looked like Kelsey and her cousins without the blue designs. I'm gonna lose her I thought to myself.

Kelsey's Pov

Carlisle showed up a little after Sam and Leah came up to me to check if I was OK. "It's to deep to fix, and won't heal fast enough before you lose a lot of blood. I'm sorry." I'm gonna die I thought to myself. I'm going to lose him. "Ahkmenrah, take everybody and get out of here anonymously call an ambulance on your way out. I love you." He tried to protest but Emmett dragged him out of the museum thanks Emmett I sat there as I heard the sirens approaching. Maybe I'll be OK.

Ahkmenrah's Pov

An hour after we'd left Kelsey at the museum, Carlisle got a call from the hospital saying that they had Kelsey there with a gun wound, that they were gonna have to give her surgery to save her. "We're on our way." He turned around as fast as he could I held on for as soon as I was there, I wouldn't leave until I had to. We got to the hospital and Kelsey was unconscious. "We had to give her a sedative, her blood pressure was through the roof, she was starting to go into shock." Carlisle as he talked to the doctor I sat next to Kelsey, picked up her hand and kissed it, I held her hand in mine and didn't let go until the museum exhibits had to go. "We'll being her back when she's made a decision." I nodded and left with the others.

Kelsey's Pov

I had to stay at Carlisle's house until I was somewhat recovered, then I went back to the museum. When I got there everyone was already awake, they looked at me as soon as I walked in. "Hi guys." After I said that they all started bombarding me with hugs, Teddy hugged me a little too tight and made me shriek. Everyone kept asking if I was OK and I told them about how I was still recovering but I wanted to come home. "I'm gonna go find Ahkmenrah." Teddy told me that he was up on the roof, he must have missed me if he's on the roof. When I got up there he was looking up at the stars and I decided to surprise him I snuck up on him and kissed him, he grabbed my thighs and pulled me into his lap, as well as holding me tighter and closer while he kissed me back.

Ahkmenrah's Pov

I held her tightly and kissed her for the longest time, I didn't want to stop but, we both needed to breathe. While she stare into my eyes I stared back, happy to have her in my arms again. "How do you feel?" It was a dumb question but, I had to know if she was in pain. "I'm still healing but, I've almost recovered." I had no idea she hadn't fully recovered, I looked at her confused and asked. "If you're not fully recovered, why did you come back?" She waited before answering then said. "I came back because I was well enough to travel and I needed to see you. I needed to talk to you."

Kelsey's Pov

He only looked at me for a few seconds before he asked what I needed to talk to him about. "It's about us." I said. "I don't think this is going to work very well." He looked at me with a shocked expression. "What do you mean we both love each other and we've risked our lives for each other." I waited a moment then said. "I know but, think about it, you're a mummy, a museum exhibit. I'm a live human. How can we see each other? What by me coming here every night, Ahkmenrah, I can only go for so long without sleep." He shook his head as if he didn't believe what he was hearing. "There is another way." I looked at him confused and he explained. "There is a spell that the tablet can cast that can make you like me, but, it's a permanent change once you make your decision, you can't change your mind." I thought about it then he said. "You don't have to make the decision tonight." I shook my head and said. "Yes, I do, I know that I can't live without you this is my final decision. Do the spell." He smiled then kissed me so many times I giggled and kissed him back.

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