Entry Four (It's getting better)

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All those fucking family ties are broken. Now they all go their separate ways. Mothers and Fathers don't go after their children forcing them to do this and that. They don't even know where there children are now and that makes me so fucking glad. 

They don't care that they even have children. 

They tend to themselves. 

Like everyone should have from the very beginning. 

A family is a circle of people who depend on each other. Boo hoo, they fucking cling to each other. Goodnight kisses and bedtime stories and making yourself a fucking fool for your kids. 

None of that. 

This is exactly what I love. What I needed, what I longed for. 

All that pleasant, cloying, fucking melodrama all dying. 

You should care for yourselves. 

You don't have to give yourself up for the sake of another human being, even if the human being popped out of your womb. 

Don't give a shit about them! Is it that hard? No. It's not. 

It's SO easy. 

It was very fucking easy for my mom and dad.

Oh no. It's not trauma. 

I was glad. 

Glad that I wasn't sheltered and loved. Glad that I was sent away as far from my "parents" as possible. 

It was liberating. I was able to be FREE. They didn't nag and scream. 

FIX YOURSELF. Dear mother's mantra, always on her lips as though she's saying the holy rosary. 

I feel like you can be compared to a sightless bird judging by your behavior. Maybe learn from your sibling sometime. Father's standing joke. Is it funny now? Do you think I'm sightless now?

Ah. Sorry. You wouldn't know. 

I cut off all ties for good. 

This is what they all deserve. 

Now who are the sightless birds?

All of them fucking losers. 

Sightless birds bumping and falling and doing whatever the fuck sightless birds do. 

Who's sightless now Dad? Where ever the fuck you are, You and Mom and your darling daughter are all sightless birds. 


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