Ending One

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Ending 1

A/N: I know nothing about politics or court cases or anything, bear with me- Just... pretend this is how it works...?

(TW: self-mutilation)

I struggled to sit up, "O-ow..."

"Ray...?" I heard a voice utter, making my head jerk over.

"Ray!" Norman rushed over and pulled me into a tight hug, careful around my stitches.

Tears began streaming down my face, "I-I'm sorry... I'm so sorry-! I-"

"Hey, calm down. Ray, listen," Norman backed away and gave me a sad smile, "Of course, I hated you for what you did, and I have no idea why you did it, but I know Emma's okay somewhere else. And I know there's something... something in your head... You've been in a coma for six months. I've had time to learn to forgive you."

The sobbing came full force now. I hated myself for what I did. I hated Norman for forgiving me. I hated this all.

I looked down and saw one of my wrists handcuffed to the hospital bed and smirked. There's my way out.

------------------------------Tɪᴍᴇ Sᴋɪᴘ

"You, Ray Grace, are found guilty of murder and sentenced to death."

I smiled a sigh of relief. Finally. This took forever. I thought they were going to sentence me to life in prison or something. Took a lot of convincing, too. But I would finally get what I deserved. Poison is too easy of a way to die, though. I'd prefer a painful death- like Emma's. I nearly choked on just the thought of the name.

Oh well. I smiled still. See you soon, Emma. Please don't be too mad at me for what I've done to you.

I was taken away to a cell in death row, grinning the entire time. I sat down on the bed, fiddling with my handcuffs. If they were rope, I could easily break out, but the human world is much more different than all the troubles faced getting here. I looked around for something sharp out of boredom. There was a small cabinet behind the mirror above the sink. Within it was common necessities, such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, and my all time favorite- a shaver. I grabbed the sharp object and brought it to my arm, slicing deep into my skin.

When the trial happened, I vowed to speak the truth. I spoke the truth... everything I thought and felt about Norman. I was past caring and being embarrassed though. My only priority was death. But I had to convince the court I was NOT crazy so they didn't put me in a mental hospital instead.

I carved a heart into my flesh.

All for Norman.

I cut a letter "N" inside the shape.

I really must be crazy...

The "o" was a little more difficult.

... if I could kill my best friend for him.

Then the "r".

And I hate myself for what I did.


But I would...


... I would do it again.

"n". The blade hit the ground, and I fell after it.

I would do anything for him.


The End.

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