Ending Two

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Ending 2

A/N: I know nothing about politics or court cases or anything, bear with me- Just... pretend this is how it works...?

I struggled to sit up, "O-ow..."

"Ray...?" I heard a voice utter, making my head jerk over.

"Ray!" Norman rushed over and pulled me into a tight hug, careful around my stitches.

Tears began streaming down my face, "I-I'm sorry... I'm so sorry-! I-"

"Hey, calm down. Ray, listen," Norman backed away and gave me a sad smile, "Of course, I hated you for what you did, and I have no idea why you did it, but I know Emma's okay somewhere else. And I know there's something... something in your head... You've been in a coma for six months. I've had time to learn to forgive you."

The sobbing came full force now. I hated myself for what I did. I hated Norman for forgiving me. I hated this all.

I looked down and saw one of my wrists handcuffed to the  hospital bed and smirked. There's my way out.

------------------------------Tɪᴍᴇ Sᴋɪᴘ

"WHAT?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"You've been found not guilty due to psychotic tendencies." The judge repeated, making me, if possible, angrier.

There was a silence about the room as everyone watched my reaction. I was visibly shaking with rage. Now I LEGALLY have to stay in a psych ward?! I was SO CLOSE.

The damn lawyer put a hand on my shoulder, "Hey," he spoke in a nervous voice, "This is better than death, right?"

"NO!!" I yelled, picking up my chair and flinging it at the man. I gritted my teeth, "Don't touch me again or I swear to the GODS I'll drown you in wet cement!"

Everyone stared at me, some people looking terrified.

"It's. Not. Fucking. Fair! I did EVERYTHING and spent my entire life getting these fucks here- Norman, Emma, and those damn kids. I NEVER WANTED TO COME TO THIS SHIT HOLE ANYWAYS! I TOLD YOU THAT!!" I turned back to Norman, who sat as a witness, "I FUCKING TOLD YOU I COULDN'T HANDLE THIS PLACE, BUT YOU DIDN'T LISTEN!" I was engaged. I didn't know why, but tears were streaming down my face, "I PLANNED TO KILL MYSELF THE MINUTE I GOT YOUR ASSES HERE! YOU SHOULD'VE JUST LET ME!! MAYBE YOUR STUPID ASS GIRLFRIEND WOULD BE ALIVE!!!"

Norman had tears pouring down his cheeks now as well.

"YOU KNOW WHAT?! I'M GLAD I KILLED THAT BITCH!! I mean, sure didn't get you to love me back, but oh fucking well!" I laughed manically before breaking out screaming so loud and so hard it hurt. My throat felt like I was tearing it open. Police officers eventually came and dragged me off. I didn't stop screaming the entire time.

By the time I arrived at the psychiatric ward, blood was dripping off my lips. My throat hurt like hell.

Norman visited me later that day.

"Norman," I said quietly, barely above a whisper out of pain, "...I'm sorry."

"Ray... I... why didn't you talk to me ever? Maybe we... maybe we could have prevented this..."

"Norman, come on. I'm too fucked up. There could have never been prevention."

"I... I came here to talk to you, but... there's nothing I could even say..." Norman looked down.

"Say you'll kill me."


"I know it's selfish, but I DID spend my entire life working to get you here, least you could do is end it for me." I smirked at him.

"Ray, no, I could never. I'm not YOU-" He stopped himself too late, "I'm sorry..."

I chuckled, "I don't care."

We were silent the rest of the visiting time, then a guard came to tell Norman he had to go.

"Byeee!" I hollered after him, "I love you~!"


The End.


A/N: So, yeah, sorry I don't know anything about psychiatric wards (surprising, I know, you'd think I'd be in one by now) or court or anything like that. I've been wanting to make Ray kill Emma since I got the idea. Anygay, how'd ya' like the booook? :)

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