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(Just to clarify they have been in the same class for like on month and a half at this point)

"What o-on earth is going on calum?!" Michael asked, panting and frantically searching for air.

"My-my friend he-he took these pills and now... Fück I don't know what to do Michael" Calum said with overflown puffy eyes.

As Michael tried to comfort the crying wreck that his best friend had become, a young nurse hurried over "Good afternoon are you Calum Hood?"
Calum just nodded affirmatively "ok perfect well Luke Hemmings is in room 94 I'll escort you"

Luke Hemmings

Michael let the name sink in for a split second before sprinting down the dull, lifeless corridors. 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94

There it was. He fell to his knees in front of the limp body that had every single drop of life drained out of it.
at that moment in time he realized that on that first day of school, when he got lost into the new kids sky blue eyes, he fell in love. He was in love with Luke Hemmings.

"Michael? What? You know Luke? I'm so confused what the hell is going on?" the voice called from the doorway but Michael was too caught up in his thoughts to even respond.

"THE JOURNAL" Michael exclaimed before pulling it out of his broken black-leather bag.

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