02 : Eddy teddy

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"Stel why don't you just convince him!"Sabrina yelled through the whole cafeteria

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"Stel why don't you just convince him!"
Sabrina yelled through the whole cafeteria.
"Because Sab, i think this was Noelle's idea, and as we all know it's my father's unspoken rule that whatever that brat says goes."

"Why don't you stay here! And stay at a hotel or something!" The brunette suggested cheerfully.
"I'm not 18 yet, they would sue me for staying there with the intention of living there or something. I don't have any relatives that live here. No scratch that -nobody they would approve of of me living with. And if they don't like it it's not going to happen except when that horrible child wants something. And besides they much rather make my life miserable and let me spend it with them.

"Okay stay at my house!" Amber chirped in.
"Ambs I just said-."

"Buy. A. House." Ben and Rem said at the same time, interrupting me.
"18, I'm not 18. And even if I bought a house or something they would still find a way to make me go." I groaned

"Okay let's protest!" Sab spoke.
"I would if it wasn't pointless, but I was going to anyway."
"Send the regards to your father, an argument with you is a losing game and above all straight up mortifying."
" I'll take that as a compliment, Benjamin."

" im going to miss you all." I laughed and with that I was in a life crushing hug.

Rémy, Ben and Sabrina engulfed me tight in their embraces." "Weirdos." I murmured.

"Visit, stel" Sabrina said in the hug.
"Oh I fucking will"

"We have arrived miss McQueen." Maurice, my personal driver spoke.

I looked outside of the window, a large and stunning mansion and a beautiful and neatly kept garden.

Looks like a fairytale, let's see if I can say the same thing about the inside.

I pulled the door open, hollow walls is what I was greeted with. No wait actually not the only thing.


"I wouldn't call your trash strands shop a business." He spoke condescendingly. But Stephanie didn't hear him. "-AND THAT AL IN THE SPAN OF 2 DAYS DON'T YOU THINK THATS UTTERLY INSANE?"


"She is right, Ed"
"It's FATHER to you! You.., you RESPECTLESS child."
"You've lost that titel a while ago Ed."
He rolled his eyes.

He started shaking his head and his hands.
"It doesn't matter what you two got to say, what I say is final."

"Edward! Are you FUCKING insane?And what do you mean With what you say goes! We're doing this together! Our-"

My father let out a hysterical chuckle"Are you actually that dense?! You know you're nothing more than a fucking trophy wife for gods sake!
You fucking know that so stop pretending you are a real wife. We only married because we came from good backgrounds!" My steppie let out a screech.

"For my sake step mother we al knew including you. But well as fun as this show has been its now time for my turn Stephanie let me see if i can make him crack."

- half an hour in

"You fucking moran of a child!"
"It takes one to create one Eddie."

He got more infuriated with the second.

"Tell me why did she want to move back
Did she miss her old friends or did the landscape streaks she sends became boring?"

He visually became uncomfortable. He cleared his throat."No, uuh Ofcourse. We wouldn't move for such a pathetic reasoning. -"
oh actually?

"-You out of all people would know that Estella" he looked me dead in the eye.

I let a harsh chuckle escape my throat. His words not even burning anymore. The annoying sound that comes out of him not making me want gauge my eyes out is actually refreshing. I've been lucky to have lived with teddy eddy for so long that I just don't give a fuck anymore.

"Well you of all should know that your little charity case and publicity stunt doesn't know best, I mean she got you stopping from going to the lake house after all." I replied not faced at all.

I know that my words wil cut like knives especially since I know he still cares atleast a bit about my mom. I heard him the other night cry out her name when he was alseep.

Eww do you watch ur parents when they sleep?
Ofcourse not wtf?
Than how...

Arguing with myself is a talent of mine. It makes me view something from more than one perspective.

I was coming home walking up the stares from another late night party.

He was laying on his side sweating from what I could see from the door crack. He called out her name like a distant needing cry.

That's when in knew he still cared. Or at least he still remembered her.

The lake house is where we buried her.

My mother's rotten corpse lays there with sunflowers spread around her. Her bed of flowers. We used to go every week. But well you could've guessed. He found a distraction. He did everything to stop thinking about it.

Sure he wasn't the best dad but atleast he was a dad.

His distraction paid off. Out family got more recognition than it already did. My mother was a New York socialite and famous actress and my dad was a already well known business man.

Even though he had a lot of recognition he wanted more. He took the masseurs to adopt and remarry for his own benefit.

He thought adopting would making him look better and it did. It just was that he made her his number 1 priority.

She wanted him to stop going to the lake house to play with him. So he stopped, he didn't want to give the public the wrong expression. He did everything to keep his good reputation up.

Since I was to young I couldn't go by self. I didn't have a driver, I didn't even know what Uber was at the age of seven.

But that didn't stop me. I snuck out a fair
amount of times to go see her. But it didn't take long before I got cought. After that I was never allowed to go again.

1 year later it all burned down. Accident happen was all they said. Fucking accidents

"Why don't you just move with her there. Stephanie doesn't want to move and neither do I. Just go with her or it or whatever."

He glanced at me shaking his head.

"No no no nono. My- what I-.., what I say goes." He spoke trying recollect his self.

Ouch he took that one to the heart didn't he?

"Stop acting as if you want us there just go with her."

His lip began to twist and his face just looked dead. God he always looked like this.

"No-" he spoke final. "- I need you all there."
Ah there it is

He started walking away towards his study.
He was about to close the door but stopped himself midway.
"If I left you here it wouldn't look so good for my image."

And there it goes

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