11 : Light blue

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Light blue eyes

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Light blue eyes.
Caramel hair.
Full lips.

Her hunting eyes.

The ones I've only seen in my head for the last 7 years.
Those eyes.
Her eyes.

They where in front of me.
She is in front of me.

She looks just the same as the day she left me.
Like when we where friends I mean.
I mean it like that.

But oh my what did she change actually.
More defined cheekbones, fuller lips, more pink.
Her eyes look bigger, fuller of life.

She just looks fucking beautiful and it's irritating me.
The collar of her shirt has a couple buttons undone and I can see her defined collarbones. They lead al the way up to her sharp jaw line, plump lips, small nose and those eyes.

They make me want to gauge mine out.
She looks irritating, she is irritating, scratch that nauseating.

I want to leave, I want to leave her this time.
Fuck why do I have to show Stella around?

Oh yeah madame Louise actually likes me.
It's a whole shock to the whole school that that woman is even capable of being nice to a student.
I hope she showed around Stella.

Fuck now it's my turn.

Since we've sat down I haven't uttered a word.
Don't have to, don't want to.

She's just acting like she didn't do anything.
This is actually doing her a favor by not talking.

I let met eyes focus on her while she is laughing about something with Arsen. The side of her face is showing to me. Her lips are full, eyelashes long and her hair is in those supermodel waves.
Her cheeks look defined, especially with her laughing like that.

Why does she have to look like this?
My eyes focus on hers. They are looking at Arsen and her smile says it. Her eyes still look annoyingly pretty.
With the sunlight failing on her, her eyes look brighter and fuller. She usually is very bitchy but with her friends she's just different.

Oh and now she's looking at me with her bitch look.
Great day.

I can't help but let a smirk fall on my face.
A couple minutes later Jennevive mentions a party and in Stella's head that seemed a great conversation subject.

"Kai, going to the party?" She asked in a way to nice tone to me. Sweet, the right word?
"Why are you trying to be nice?" I asked honestly.
"I'm just trying to be civil, we go to the same school now for fucks sake."
Didn't stop you before Stella?

"We went to the same school 8 years ago to."
"Guess I'm the only one who was grown up."
If you would've grown up than you wouldn't have acted like nothing happened and would've taken responsibility for what you did.

"You're still the same spoiled child you where than."
I knew this would sting a teensy bit.
"You're still the same mommy's boy with anger issues."
I almost let out a laugh. My mom was the only one that was remotely there for me. So sure yeah I go to her.
You out of all people know why. I'm not the calmest person but again you know- well atleast knew why.

How is this girl so dense? Am I getting irritated or is it that I haven't been rattled in a while that this feels more extreme?

Before I know it I'm standing up and gripping the table as does she. I need to calm down.

I took a breath. She is nothing more than a pretty girl with horrible mouth.
Calm the fuck down.

"You truly are abominable, the big name doesn't change the fact that your just a scared little girl."

Before I know it one of her perfect manicured hands grips my tie and brings me under her level.

She just smirks up at me. Those motherfucking eyes.
I can't help but let a smirk fall on my face to.

I stared into those eyes that have haunted me for the last years. Deep blue eyes. It looks like I'm
I can't even say anything before I'm pulled away by Roy and Jenn.

They told me to be civil and stop attacking her she doesn't deserves it. After she went away I did to.

I went to my dorm and smoked a bit.
Why the fuck is she back?
Did something happen?
Did she seem different?
She acted normal.
But why now after all those years?
Doesn't it make more sense to come back after a year?
I've seen on the internet that her father remarried, maybe it has something to do with that?

Why am I thinking about her? As if she would ever think about me. Maybe my feelings for her just never died completely down. After all those years I realized that I might have liked her when I was younger.

The longer she stayed away the more she became a regular occupant in my head. The more I think about her, the more I realized that I sort of thought of her as more than friends.

Maybe I should've- I heard the door slam.
Damon and Nathan walked in. The boyfriend and almost boyfriend of Brooke and Jenn.

They talked about the interaction they just had with the famous Estella McQueen. Something that had been the subject of conversation for the past couple days for people. They said that they liked her and found her smoking on some random balcony and laughed their asses off with her.

"-I mean you've never told me that you liked to wear clogs when you where younger!" And Damien and Nathan where almost crying with laughter.

"My grandpa's bestfriend was Dutch and what can I say, they are stylish."

This craked them up way more than before.
She's spilling my secrets.

It going to be difficult to be around her. I have kind of hate towards her and an also longing to know what happend to her.

When I look at her I just feel at ease with her but when she speaks I just get taken back to that unfaithful day in school. She was my everything but she did me wrong and didn't even apologize.

But weirdly I can't even blame her that much, she stopped talking to me. I just have forgiven her, I believe. It's like I can't see her do any wrong but than again she didn't talk to me afterwards. Like it's okay if you do me wrong but if you didn't talk to me afterwards and apologize than what was the point of being friends with me to begin with. She didn't talk to me afterwards out of guilt presumably. But if she would've just uttered a word our relationship would have been oh so so different.

Oh my darling Stella how far apart our worlds have

A ray of sunshine and a cloud al at once.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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