04 : car trouble

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It didn't take long for us to arrive

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It didn't take long for us to arrive.
The airport was stated in the most outer part of the town within what you'd could call a forrest.

The private jet take off and landing spot was build for my aunt whom I haven't seen in 4 years. We never visited after we left and neither did she.

Aunt violette and my mother where sisters. She was utterly heartbroken about my mothers death and furious at my father for leaving.

She was incredibly close with my mother. Even though the loss had a great impact on her she made a point to live her life like she always talked about with my mom. Atleast that's what my dear aunt said.

She now is a growing multi millionaire living in a large castle like house with her butler Greg, in the richest part of the wealthy town Crawington. She already was a trustfonds baby and already had millions. But she smartly invested her money and makes it more by the second.

I could feel the weight of the plane shift and the aircraft landing on ground. The harsh bump of the plane wheels connecting to solid ground made me wide awake even though I wasn't a sleep.

The plane braked and after a couple minutes it stood to a complete halt. It didn't take long after for my house mates to come to the main area to exit the plane.

I checked my phone to see if my "welcome home" gift to my self had arrived.

I looked out of the exit and there it was.
My black with purple lightning decorated BMW e36.

I smirked to myself knowing I won't have to drive with them.

We where all walking out of the aircraft. They went to the left with a car meeting them.
I went to the right. Fucking away from them.

It took a second for my father realize that I wasn't there. "Estella. What are you doing?!"

"Getting away from you?" I spoke in a duh tone. He looked more annoyed than he already was. "You don't even know where we are going!"

"To the old house." I answered almost reaching the door handle of my car.

Im glad he didn't sell it. We all know the house would be worth a ton of money.

"We are going to aunt violette's!" My father screamed. I froze. What?

I looked at Noëlle and Stephanie. My stepmother seemed more in shock than I was and the brat looked as smug as ever.

Oh so this was one of her ideas as well.
That's funny, aunty doesn't even like her.

"Well I know the way to there to." I spoke annoyed and closing my car door behind me.

The keys where still in it. I started the car and saw my father fuming in the rear view window.

I screeched off the premises towards the gate.
As soon as the guards recognized me they started to open the gate.

One of the upsides about Crawington is that it's on the outer corner of nowhere. In other words: you can drive as hard as you want.

Even though that the people that live here are incredibly rich snobs and like to report a noise compliants as if it's the utter highlight of their day. They will not do it. Since well, everyone does it.  Incluiding themselves.

If you have money you can get away with anything.

The clicking sound of the gate opening made me snap out of my trance. The gates where now wide open and my smirk only grew.

As the last click followed I sped off.

The only thing I felt besides the steeringwheel in my right hand. I opened the window a couple turns ago. The harsh wind rumbling trough my hair as I drove.

From now it was only a long end straight and one turn. Aunt violette's was more secluded than the town already was. Being one of the most wealthiest here. Her home reflected that status and was a architectural masterpiece it self.

Carved and detailed pillars in and outside of the home. Sculptures of all kind of thing and expensive paintings all over the place. It radiated the scent of money and wealth and was the place where I spend most of my earlier childhood at.

I stepped harder on the gass than I did earlier and gripped the steering wheel tighter. All until a random red Mazda RX-7 almost rammed into me.

I stepped harshly on the breaks looking back.

As I turned I saw the red car pull up next to me. Two girls around my age where seated in it from what I could tell. The one driving had dirty blond hair and brown eyes, the one behind her was a brunette and had brown eyes I believe.

The blonde slides her window down and I did the same but no words where needed. I already knew. She wanted to race.

She daringly revved the engine looking at me smirking. I got the massage. Game on.

I smirked back at her, revving at the same time.
Her smirk only grew wider. She turned her head and focused on the road. The girl behind her put her hand up.

5 fingers, 5 seconds.
I licked my lips as the countdown started.


And we where off. She took the lead as I was following suit. I tried passing her on the right but she saw me quickly and blocked me fast

Quick on shift turns.

I smiled as I planned my next move. I stepped harder on the peddle and tried again passing right but this time I went the most right I could go. Like I expected she blocked me. This made me smile more. I quickly steered my wheel to a harsh left. Switching between braking and speeding at the same time. She was me but there was nothing more she could do.

Well except raming into me.
I pressed on the peddel the hardest I could and raced towards the end of the road. I drifted to a halt and saw the Mazda pull up next to me.

I smirked at them. Both of their jaws almost hitting the dashboard. It took a couple seconds for them to compose.

The blonde tipped a imaginary cowboy hat at me. The other still looked mouth wide at me but with somewhat of a impressed smile.  the other was smiling still in shock at me. With that expression she looked at her phone.

I gave them a smile and sped off.
I let the wind ruffle my hair yet again.

It took mere minutes at the speed I was going for me to arrive at her house. The house I haven't to in a long time.

I stopped indrong of the gate and looked at the cameras and the pin panel. I think it's still the same. I took a closer look at the panel and saw that the numbers I didn't have in mind where certainly not touched in quite some time. Dust made them almost unreadable.

281205- a geen ping escaped from the panel after I typed in my birthday. Aunt violette didn't have any children or a husband matter of fact but she always saw me as her own daughter.

I smiled at the panel and parked my car on the driveway. As I got out I noticed the car that my father wanted me to go into when we could get here. The car of my father's circus and co.

I looked infront of me. The grant wooden door looking the same as the last time I saw it.

I grazed my knuckles on the wooden detailing and knocked.

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